We're beginning a weekly round-up of blog posts that struck us as especially trenchant, articulate, passionate, or just plain good. We're going to miss a lot of the best ones, so we're counting on TNH readers to fill in the rest. Please add your favorite posts from around the web this week in comments, or talk about the ones below.
At "Huffington Post," Paul Rieckhoff, who started the veterans organization for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, begins a series of "think out of the box" solutions to Iraq.
Revere at "Effect Measure" looks into "local testing" of Indonesian bird flu cases and finds they are done in local labs, with little funding, and often without positive or negative control samples. Not surprisingly, some results were found by the WHO to be unreproducible. Indonesia has not recognized there is a problem.
Revere again, on human-to-human avian flu transmission: "If the Ministry of Health official walks like a duck, talks like a duck and looks like a duck, it doesn't mean the seven family members in the Sumatran cluster got it from a duck. It means the official is a quack."
Kevin Beck at "Dr. Joan Bushwell's Chimpanzee Refuge" delivers a five-part series about American obesity. Part 1 covers the sometimes-misguided sometimes-valuable campaign by the National Association To Advance Fat Acceptance to reframe obesity not as a bad habit or disease but as just another personal trait. (Read on to Parts 2 | 3 | 4)
Eternal Hope catalogs, one by one, how each Amendment in the Bill of Rights has been broken by recent Republican administrations -- mostly by the current one.
Tara Smith at "Aetiology" explains how microevolution of one type of pathogen takes place within single patients (take that, ID'ers!) and presents the surprising conclusion that the mutations that help a bug to maintain chronic infection can be different -- even opposite to -- the mutations that help it mount an acute infection, something to think about for any disease.
And if you didn't already read it, don't miss eRiposte at "Left Coaster" who lays out the evidence of the second forged Niger document -- the one nobody's seen -- as emptywheel linked yesterday with some additional background.
What have you been reading this week?