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October 23, 2007


EW - Thankyou for all that you do! You are truly great!

OT - Waiting to see if this morning's HJC Committee Meeting develops the accusation of 'selective prosecution' in the DC Madame case against Monica Goodling...


Did Monica selectively prosecute Palfrey's escort service, one of 83 in DC, as part of Rove's 'Math' to win the '06 Mid-terms? Additionally, was Monica choosing 'whom' to target/prosecute of the DC Madame's clientele based on Party Loyalty/Dis-Loyalty? Who else was involved?

Where are the documents that were released? The Denver Post says that they requested them, but I don't see them on their website. Nor does the Rocky Mountain News appear to find them.

Perhaps it is just as well. I'm swamped at the day job anyway...

So... what you're saying here EW, if I understand it correctly, is that the lawyers for the prosection are filing documents with the court now that contradict filings made at an earlier part of the trial?

How does this strategy not necessarily involve making false statements to a federal court? If both sets of pleadings are represented as true, but they make conflicting assertions of fact, only one set can be valid. So, were they lying then, or are they lying now?

[or were they lying both times, natch]

Where are the documents that were released? The Denver Post says that they requested them, but I don't see them on their website. Nor does the Rocky Mountain News appear to find them.

Perhaps it is just as well. I'm swamped at the day job anyway...

Posted by: William Ockham | October 23, 2007 at 09:59

they were released, william.

i've imaged the most-salient one
as a easy view jpeg, on my blog.

do take a look, but the story -- to
my eyes, anyway -- is not whether
nacchio is offering a bogus answer
to try to avoid jail -- he is.
and that is a theory of something
akin to "soft-information cannot
be the basis for insider trading
". . .

focus on the fact that the
government's own documents now
begin to establish a pattern -- a pattern of
cheney-bush efforts at wholesale, warrantless
surveillance of u.s. citizens, at least
seven months prior to
the tragic events of 9/11

that should have been the wa po lede.

but that's the msm for ya'. . .

great stuff, EW!

and yes, for the record, i
am in the camp that these
documents -- if fully-unsealed
would establish another high
crime and misdemeanor, prior
to nine-eleven, by cheney/bush.

p e a c e

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