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August 28, 2007


Wilkes is entitled to assert the 5th here far as I can tell; and from this limited snippet of background, that is what I would tell him to do also. I don't see anything of significance to this routine Superior Court order. The court spelled out the other speps that Plaintiff De Lage should pursue, which they probably already have done as a matter of practicality. Once they can certify that they have pursued all available avenues, and are stymied by Wilkes' assertion of the 5th, they put that certification in a Motion for Summary judgment and request the court to determine the issue in their favor. This is a civil case, not a criminal case, and the assertion of the 5th, as has been done here, can be held against Wilkes. This type of situation may not happen every day, but it is not unheard of and that is how it is routinely handled.


Oh, I'm sure--I'm just wondering when we'll all get to learn where Wilkes' money has disappeared to.

Caymans and Geragos is my bet.... Wife (ex-wife?) and her lawyer are the best shot at this info. If they are not pursuing it doggedly, then they likely have a stake (i.e. account access in Caymans) in not doing so. Heh heh, as we discussed before your eventful vacation (welcome home by the way), Geragos won't be returning any money...

A review of the indictment against Brent R. Wilkes shows that all the companies were allegedly used as shell corporations to conceal Wilke's financial interest and the role in CIA contracts and to launder money from CIA contracts.
Wow. Just wow. How illegal can one get?

What happend to creditor's rights?

Has a bankruptcy court weighed in on this?

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