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July 27, 2007


OT - but has anyone noticed the FCC now says they will not renew the Fairness Doctrine. AND a republican named Pence has introduced legislation to have the law invalidated, so it can no be reinitiated by a later FCC chair.

Nothing like fair and balanced news - A move like this is very telling about who truly has the upper hand with today's new organizations.

Yahoo has a story.


The whole affair just sceams for a post.

I'm going to nitpick here:
Why do you forward to heading off
should probably be
Why do you look forward to heading off

I'm not planning to buy his book, either. I'd rather save my money for something like Harry Potter. More entertaining, and probably more truthful.

I figured that Tenet's book was so full of lies and self-justification that I would not buy it twice.

Novak liked covering politics in the good old days when the cocktails flowed more liberally and he had all the cocktail weenies to himself. Now, a lot of people are calling bullshit when he publishes his White House propagnda political news and he doesn't like it one bit.

Novak is trying to rehabilitate his image (,which didn't take as big a hit as it should have) on his publicity tour by talking about disagreeing with Bush about the Iraq war and losing Rove as his best source ever when the CIA agent's career was ruined. (Ruined by whom???)

Novak makes no mention of being used like a piece of toilet paper by Rove and Cheney.

Aww, poor guy. His catbird seat is all covered in catbird poop.

If the so-called journalists who cover Washington are not interested in or capable of correcting their own colleagues who merely record politically motivated talking points or, worse yet, engage in the sort of partisan enabling Novak and others practice, then why are they surprised that citizens who give a damn have taken over their jobs?

All of this anti-blogger talk has one motivation. They're scared that they're losing their power. Problem is, they already have.

I am not so sure there are such places, but if there are, I doubt Gilliard will be in the same location as Novakula.

both be doing what we should be.

i.e., you'll be working tirelessly to see Rove and Cheney indicted for treason. And Novak... will be burning in hell forever.


Oh, the implication is that they wouldn't be.

Novak is the rotten mouth of Sauron Cheney.

Born to a Jewish family, Novak will be remembered for converting to Catholicism relatively late in life and for joining Opus Dei (which also claims Sam Brownback and Louis Freeh as members). Did Novak write about his faith in his new autobiography?

QS: nobody here knows, becuase we can't stomach the thought of actually paying for it.

EW: this is totally offtopic but I thought it interesting enough to bring it to your attention.


The U.S. attorney in Alabama earlier this week declined a federal judge’s request to prosecute Scruggs and his Mississippi law firm for criminal contempt in a case relating to Hurricane Katrina insurance claims. Yesterday, the judge, William M. Acker Jr., appointed two Birmingham lawyers as special prosecutors to pursue the charge against Scruggs.

In yesterday’s order, Judge Acker wrote that the U.S. Attorney’s move was “anticipated” and invoked Rule 42(a) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure in appointing the independent lawyers. Not having brushed up on the details of the rule lately, we turned to Cornell Law’s Legal Information Institute, which reports: “The court must request that the contempt be prosecuted by an attorney for the government, unless the interest of justice requires the appointment of another attorney. If the government declines the request, the court must appoint another attorney to prosecute the contempt.”

How did district courts get this prosecutorial power? In a 1987 Supreme Court decision, Justice Brennan wrote that district courts can hire outside attorneys to prosecute out-of-court criminal contempt. YOUNG v. U.S. EX REL. VUITTON ET FILS S. A., 481 U.S. 787 (1987).

ummm- wow. When DOJ decides not to prosecute Miers, can Congress use rule 42(a) to appoint a prosecutor? Could a judge on the court for the Federal District?

tekel - No, I don't think so. The Court would have to have jurisdiction of the controversy before their power under Rule 42 could be exercised. The phrase "prosecute out of court contempt" gives me pause however. My guess is that said phrase contemplates out of court contempt (as opposed to actually in the courtroom during a proceeding) on a case before the court. I will try to remember to look at this later; maybe someone else knows the true answer, that is the best guess I have for now. At any rate, I know of no similar power for Congress.

You give me heart, emptywheel! I cannot WAIT until you take on this SOB and tear his work to SHREDS!!! Who is more deserving than this heinous excuse for a "ra-porter" (as the heinous Bob Woodward would pronounce it)?

I heard him whining about how much it cost him in legal fees....and that's what he hopes this book will do....recoup his costs. Oh, how I'd love it if the book BOMBS. THAT would be a great day.

Until then, GO FOR HIM, emptywheel! HOORAY!!!

I suspect Mr. Novak is in for a surprise at the Final Judgment:

'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.'
They also will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?'
He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'

Then they will go away to eternal punishment...

Back in the day - i.e., pre-Plame-burn - I liked to read Novak to get a sense of the internal disputes underway in Gooperland. These days, not so much. I don't think anybody talks to him much anymore. As a result, not much there there.

OfT Link to 11 customer reviews of Novack's book on Amazon

IIRC, ten of the eleven reviews are positive. For those who might be interested in trying to injure sales of Novack's book, Amazon allows us to rate those eleven reviews as helpful or not.

While you're thinking of it, the Holidays are right around the corner. It's never too early to buy the perfect gift for friends, family, and recovering Republicans: ANATOMY OF DECEIT.

He may be a bit premature. He could have 20 years ahead of him easily. But of course he knows more about the state of his health than I do. What a hack.

it is possible the creature may not be able to find the seventh vado in the light of the sun, or in it's darkness

Boo, thanks for the link. I went on over & did my work. Jeeze, Novak clearly has both given out a lot of books & organized a campaign of "review writing" for the Amazon site.

IIRC, ten of the eleven reviews are positive. For those who might be interested in trying to injure sales of Novack's book, Amazon allows us to rate those eleven reviews as helpful or not.

That's pretty appalling, especially considering Marcy and Jeff have books to sell on Amazon. To have her readers downrating the competition when they haven't read it is abusing the system Marcy and Jeff are relying on,

Now that the WaPo posts readers' comments after all its online articles, it's extremely satisfying to read the invective directed at Novak and all the other right-wing windbags who write Administration propaganda disguised as "objective" political commentary.

Crikey, and I REALLY hate doing this, but I am inclined to agree with MayBee that we shouldn't be setting a bad precedent by spamming a book we haven't read. That could flow both ways and we certainly don't want to start that pissing war.

They do it to us .... (No, we shouldn't, but neither should they!)

MayBee, as I suspect you are well aware, that wasn't what I was suggesting. Planting a fake book review, with zero stars would be consistent with what MayBee mistakenly accuses me of advocating. MayBee, if you have a link where Amazon requires people to have read the book, before rating the customer reviews, please by all means link to it. I'll be more than happy to stand corrected. AFAIK, the rating of the customer reviews is Amazon's check on those who write bogus reviews, either positive or negative. My guess is that a lot of those four and five star reviews are bogus.

Also MayBee, I'm interested in how Novack's got ranked 98th so quickly. Any chance the conservative think tanks, such as the Hudson Institute, lined up bulk purchases long before it was published?

Mr. Novak, can you please go now. You have caused enough trouble!!!

Boo - Thanks for the clarification, I now withdraw my objection. Sorry, I should have known you weren't advocating something inappropriate.

La gloria di colui che tutto move
per l'universo penetra, e risplende
in una parte più e meno altrove.

Nel ciel che più de la sua luce prende
fu' io, e vidi cose che ridire
né sa né può chi di là sù discende;

perché appressando sé al suo disire,
nostro intelletto si profonda tanto,
che dietro la memoria non può ire.

See, Novak, got to lose it to use it; or so genteel people thought in s.XIII

He's right obliquely, though, that the electronic blog is faster than the next rendition of the Novak excuse construct.

No one should ever write or speak of Novak without giving him the title he has worked so hard to earn.

He is "The Traitor Bob Novak." This is his full name and title.

His entire family should know and understand that they are the family of a traitor to America. He chose the title, and worked hard to earn it. No one shoud ever deprive him of it.

The Traitor Bob Novak.

I'm with RickB, The TRAITOR Bob Novak, Prince of Darkness.

OK is Novak is the Mouth of Sauron guy, the icky one with all the teeth in LOTR3, does that make Marcy Arwen or Eowyn? I say more Eowyn, she weilds a wicked sword in LOTR2. Just reading MissM though, she reminds me more of Hermione, so, so so very smart. Or maybe she's the great elf queen, fierce and brave. Our dear Marcy could be any of those women.


I have to say it.

There is a general fear of any opposing opinion on this blog. The fear seems to be that a different opinion will convert the people on the blog and have them go vote Republican. (That fear alone would be laughable.)
Then there comes the unbridled anger at those giving those opinions plus even worse for a large group of people:
Novak, Judy, Cheney, Bush, Armitage, Woodward, Gonzales, etc.

And finally it is obvious from this thread and the posts above that all this fear and anger has led to much hate.

So very much hate that it is very unsettling for a person like myself who tries to think on a calm and logical plane.

I recall

"Fear is the path to the dark side.
Fear leads to anger.
Anger leads to hate.
Hate leads to suffering."

That is something to consider!

Jodi - You couldn't find a plane, much less a calm and logical one, if Tattoo the annoying midget on Fantasy Island was shouting and pointing you toward it. Furthermore, you mistake annoyance at inane drivel as being "fear". If that is what is "obvious" to you from your time spent here; you might want to rethink your intellectual battle plan, limited and such as it may be.

fuck off, jodi. we do not fear you, you miserable troll. we despise you and your stupid bad faith moronic crap. you add absolutely nothing to the comment threads on this blog. you just spew drivel and idiotic bold faced bullshit. we wish you would just shut the fuck up and go away.

hey jodi - why don't you start your own blog ?? we promise to visit often !!

The above in honor of Freepatriot and with best wishes for his mother.


Your opinions often duplicate the republican talking points. When I read your responses I feel hurt below the anger. I do not feel hate. My hurt comes from the plain fact that this administration and it's policies have hurt me and hurt people I love. Not just hurt me, but killed people I love.

When you say the things you do it is painful. It's like being locked in a closet by an abusive parent, then going to the other abusive parent who says "you deserved it and let me explain why it was logical that we had to lock you in the closet."

You don't see the abuse. To you, the administration's behavior is just fine. You are completely unable to relate to the damage done by this administration and it's policies. You minimize deny and blame, just like a perpetrator.

When people feel blocked they get angry. That is the purpose of anger to attack anything that might be blocking a goal. It, in my opinion, is not always the best way to handle a blockage and seems more akin to "the republican way of war" but it's what humans do when they get blocked from a goal.

We american's feel we have been blocked by people like you. We have been blocked from our rights to vote and have our votes accurately counted. We have been blocked from life saving help in Katrina and from helping those who were dying. We have been blocked from stopping a war that will have consquences for many years to come. We have been blocked from expressing our opinions about this in the media and from seeing them expressed by corporate media. We have been blocked from healthcare. (I have 4000$ deductible and a hsa that I cannot afford). We have been blocked from fair mortgages. (I have a predatory lender who I am told can do what it wants because I don't have the money or lawyer to fight it-which includes not counting my payments accurately and putting fees that were not disclosed in the initial agreement-all illegal but no way to fight or punish them-not a ARM and not me being stupid-I was steered because I was a female buying for the first time with a credit rating of 750). We have been blocked from having safe foods. As the global market has been a reality, Bush has decreased the FDA budget. We are not inspecting the food that comes into the country. (I lost my beloved boxer of 9 years to the poisonings.) We have lost our soverienty as my neighborhood (the house down the street is trafficing illegal aliens at 20 or so at a time- I have no problem with allowing people into our country but we need to know who they are and they need fair wages). We have been blocked from feeling safe. (our children may go to war, our homes and buildings may be attacked, and bush is literally growing more terrorism per every official report available).

We are being blocked from having a quality of life that we experienced under democratic rule. WE miss what we have lost. We are hurting. I can't speak for everyone on this board...but I am hurting from this administration. If you see my anger it is because your words block the truth. Your words dismiss my reality and my pain.


Your opinions often duplicate the republican talking points. When I read your responses I feel hurt below the anger. I do not feel hate. My hurt comes from the plain fact that this administration and it's policies have hurt me and hurt people I love. Not just hurt me, but killed people I love.

When you say the things you do it is painful. It's like being locked in a closet by an abusive parent, then going to the other abusive parent who says "you deserved it and let me explain why it was logical that we had to lock you in the closet."

You don't see the abuse. To you, the administration's behavior is just fine. You are completely unable to relate to the damage done by this administration and it's policies. You minimize deny and blame, just like a perpetrator.

When people feel blocked they get angry. That is the purpose of anger to attack anything that might be blocking a goal. It, in my opinion, is not always the best way to handle a blockage and seems more akin to "the republican way of war" but it's what humans do when they get blocked from a goal.

We american's feel we have been blocked by people like you. We have been blocked from our rights to vote and have our votes accurately counted. We have been blocked from life saving help in Katrina and from helping those who were dying. We have been blocked from stopping a war that will have consquences for many years to come. We have been blocked from expressing our opinions about this in the media and from seeing them expressed by corporate media. We have been blocked from healthcare. (I have 4000$ deductible and a hsa that I cannot afford). We have been blocked from fair mortgages. (I have a predatory lender who I am told can do what it wants because I don't have the money or lawyer to fight it-which includes not counting my payments accurately and putting fees that were not disclosed in the initial agreement-all illegal but no way to fight or punish them-not a ARM and not me being stupid-I was steered because I was a female buying for the first time with a credit rating of 750). We have been blocked from having safe foods. As the global market has been a reality, Bush has decreased the FDA budget. We are not inspecting the food that comes into the country. (I lost my beloved boxer of 9 years to the poisonings.) We have lost our soverienty as my neighborhood (the house down the street is trafficing illegal aliens at 20 or so at a time- I have no problem with allowing people into our country but we need to know who they are and they need fair wages). We have been blocked from feeling safe. (our children may go to war, our homes and buildings may be attacked, and bush is literally growing more terrorism per every official report available).

We are being blocked from having a quality of life that we experienced under democratic rule. WE miss what we have lost. We are hurting. I can't speak for everyone on this board...but I am hurting from this administration. If you see my anger it is because your words block the truth. Your words dismiss my reality and my pain.

whoops...once was probably enough.

Jodi, if this blog and its commenters unsettle you, please feel free to go someplace else. If you had the ability to debate, perhaps your comments would provide the rest of us with an insight into how an intelligent convservative is able to rationalize and accept what Bush and the Republicans are doing to this country. But you do not know how to debate and, as Katie said, you duplicate Republican talking point without providing any value of your own, so your comments are irritating and hijack the comments.

No one fears anything you have to say.

Let me see if I have this right.

all YOU PEOPLE have a
FEAR of opposing opinion
and unbridled ANGER toward those whose opinions oppose yours which
leads to HATRED which
unsettles/victimizes JODI who
tries to think LOGICALLY like
YODA from Star Wars,
I like that. That’s good. Who feels sorry for Jodi?

The problem is “out there”… well beyond Jodi, the problem is YOU PEOPLE…. YOU PEOPLE are angry, fearful, hateful people who have victimized poor Jodi… who is like Yoda, cute and wise like Yoda. You saw Star Wars, didn’t you?. Yoda was so cute.

When you think the problem is outside of you, everyone else, THEY are the ones who are afraid, mad, hateful, and THEY are why you are off your game, that’s a sure sign its time to look inward.

Let’s shift epic films and talk about the Benejessurit from DUNE who were prescient but could not look inward. Fear is the mind killer. What’s the relationship between the worm-tongue and the spice?

No Jodi, you don't get the benefit of the doubt. You lost that long ago based on what you say here and how you say it. That, and you're projecting.

But enough about me, let's talk about Jodi.

I'm afraid. Aren't you?

I'm afraid that I will spend too much time debating the wingnuts. I'm afraid I'll run down the foxholes they open up each time they open their mouths or type away.

I'm afraid I spent too much time worrying what FoxNews says instead of learning to get first sources myself and calling congress to confirm reports.

damn, i'm afraid i'm wasting my time again dealing with Jodi.


you don't seem to hear half of what I say.

I too dislike Bush. I have expressed that many times.

I just point out where people are venting and biting against granite and iron with a lot of these tangents that liberal bloggers go off on, and how that pushes the Democratic Politicians into doing the same. I do the same with a lot of conservative Republicans, but you don't see that here.
Wasted effort serves no one and distracts the people from the real issues of honest politics and the way big money twists both parties.
Personally I don't like Politicians of any kind. I listen to all of them though and pick the one whom I think best at the time.

I am sorry about your dog. I know how that loss can affect someone. When I was just 8, 9 and 10, I had a darling little half mix of Collie and Shepherd from a puppy. When I got up in the morning she was there. When I got home from school she was there. When I went to bed, I first checked to see if she was ok. When I got a bike, no matter how fast I went, she could keep up easily. Then one day after school, she wasn't there. They found her bones in the woods several weeks later. No one ever knew what happened, or maybe they didn't tell me, not to this day, and I watch carefuly when she is spoken of.
I have never had a pet since. Yes I do feed a lot of neighbor cats, and pet a lot of dogs, but I can't have a pet yet myself.
I tell myself that when I have children they will have pets, but so far that hasn't happened.

Anyway to say "people like you" are causing all this grief in the world is too simplistic and also just plain wrong.

Further I don't expect a Republican controlled country to be great for me. Nor do I expect a Democratic controlled country to be anathema to me.

As I said, the first time I could vote for a President was in 2000 and I picked Bush because he seemed very straightforward and practical. In 2004 I picked anyone but Bush which happened to be Kerry.

MayBee, if you have a link where Amazon requires people to have read the book, before rating the customer reviews, please by all means link to it. I'll be more than happy to stand corrected. AFAIK, the rating of the customer reviews is Amazon's check on those who write bogus reviews, either positive or negative. My guess is that a lot of those four and five star reviews are bogus.

It is abuse to misuse the system to meet your own ends. If it is indeed a check on people who write bogus reviews, doing a bogus "check" is still abuse of the system. Bmaz might find that legitimate, I don't. Marcy and Jeff are relying on other people to be honest in their reviews and ratings of reviews. To have people on this blog advocating that which they wouldn't want done to either of those two authors is inappropriate.

As to why Novak's book is at 98, I have no idea. I certainly don't intend to buy it (or read it).

ORANJESTAD, Aruba - Felix rapidly strengthened into a dangerous Category 5 hurricane and churned through the Caribbean Sea on a path toward Central America, where forecasters said it could make landfall as “potentially catastrophic” storm.
Felix was packing winds of up to 165 mph as it headed west, according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center. It was projected to skirt Honduras’ coastline on Tuesday before slamming into Belize on Wednesday.
“As it stands, we’re still thinking that it will be a potentially catastrophic system in the early portions of this week, Tuesday evening, possibly affecting Honduras and then toward the coast of Belize,” said Dave Roberts, a hurricane specialist at the center in Miami.

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