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July 22, 2007


As an example of how well this survey separates candidates:

• Obama wrote thoughtful responses with considerable detail in reply to most questions.

• Clinton has not yet responded to the survey.

• McCain responded -- to say he refused to answer! (Does he not even care enough to take the time to tell his constituents that he doesn't care?)

I'm writing now to the group that organized the survey (a coalition of health care and science advocacy groups) and asking that they send it additionally to all 2008 Presidential candidates.

Mike Rogers "declined to answer" so I urged him to change his mind.

Boxer and Feinstein - incomplete response.
I'm pleased that Waxman responded, and had comments on many of the questions that appear to be intelligent and thoughtful/ (Where the heck does he find time for all this?)

Rep Steve Cohen(D) responded with thoughtful comments.

Neither Senator Lamar Alexander(R) nor Senator Bob Corker (R)have completed the form. I wrote and requested that they do so.

Rep Steve Cohen(D) responded with thoughtful comments.

Neither Senator Lamar Alexander(R) nor Senator Bob Corker (R)have completed the form. I wrote and requested that they do so.

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