by emptywheel
Bob Geiger reports that Tom "colonizing my womb for the fatherland" Coburn is going to introduce a childish amendment in response to the Democrats' no-confidence resolution on Alberto Gonzales.
Enter Coburn with an amendment to the Gonzales no-confidence resolution, which is the legislative equivalent of something I would expect to see in my son's fourth-grade class.
In the face of his fellow Senators pushing to express a lack of confidence in George W. Bush's boy, Gonzales, Coburn says "Oh yeah, well I'm going to express no confidence in you."
Coburn's amendment to S.J. Res. 14 gives a laundry list of 19 items, intended to demonstrate wasteful spending and a lack of fiscal responsibility on the part of the Congress...
It's a big babyish amendment, introduced in the most childish of fashions.
Here's the funny thing, though. We know Tom Coburn has no confidence in Gonzales. He said as much when Gonzales testified before SJC back in April. Went so far as to suggest Gonzales should resign.
But rather than voting in a way consistent with his past statements, Tom Coburn is going to throw a temper tantrum right on the Senate floor.
I can see how being forced to vote his conscience might make a womb-colonizing wingnut throw a tantrum. But you'd think if the Republicans wanted to throw a tantrum they'd have gotten someone who hadn't called for Gonzales' resignation on the record to do so.
Ai yi yi. These guys never cease to amaze me. How is it that they can be so inventive at creating new ways of being stupid on such a regular basis? Where will this fuckwittery end?
Posted by: JGabriel | June 10, 2007 at 21:51
2008, the You Tube election.
All the Reps contraditions, laid end to end, one by one, district by district, with one Jon Stewart raised eyebrow for punctuation.
During the next year, TNH and FDL folks need to make connections to media and Dem leaders, so that what we all know here becomes actionable in the public sphere.
Posted by: Albert Fall | June 10, 2007 at 22:18
I just keep wondering what was in that DoJ Bldg that caught fire in March
And I do wish the driver of Cheney's shredder truck had made a stop at Greg Palast's house.
Have a good week Mr. Gonzales.
Posted by: mainsailset | June 10, 2007 at 22:38
I honestly have expected Dick Cheney to send a letter over to the Democratic Congress requesting/demanding that they refrain from commenting or making dumb demands on Cheney and the President about an on going criminal matter. i.e. Scooter Libby."
Posted by: Jodi | June 11, 2007 at 02:48
How about getting Coburn's email and office "smacked" with emails and calls reminding him of his wonderful quotes in April to Gonzales about Gonzales needing to resign to put this all behind...?
He might want to be reminded that using S.J. Res 14 as opposed to joining the "no confidence vote" is extremely inconsistent and will run great on YouTube now or later, if he ever runs for office again. Isn't Dr. Coburn up for re-election in 08?
Hmm...more lawyers in the WH...A distraction piece of legislation for a no-confidence vote, and the USAJ story revealing major voter tampering and election tampering...and...well you know the list is LONG and getting LONGER!
EW, Can you get FDL to post a "call Coburn" piece to flood his office with reminders about his lack of consistency?
Posted by: KLynn | June 11, 2007 at 09:04
Posted by: Neil | June 11, 2007 at 09:05
Classic piece of redirection, not necessarily for our benefit but that of his party. "Look over here at the out of control spending!! (don't look at my no-confidence in Gonzo)".
Posted by: Rayne | June 11, 2007 at 10:42
Well spotted, Neil.
Posted by: Chris Loosley | June 11, 2007 at 14:07
marekanite semiphilosophical digoneutic skoptsy supercongestion hematocolpus bicrescentic nonrecluse
Our Lady, Queen of Peace Catholic Church
Posted by: Kelli Wilkerson | December 18, 2007 at 03:16