So Big Dick Cheney doesn't think he's part of the Executive Branch, as the conventional press has just discovered? Fine. Here's one solution:
Rep. Rahm Emanuel, D-Ill., said he would like to amend a spending bill that funds executive operations so that money for Cheney's office and home is put on hold until he clarifies which branch of government he belongs to. Emanuel acknowledged that the move is a stunt, but said if Cheney is not part of the executive branch, he should not receive its funds.
More like that, please. Stand up to them, ridicule them, use the levers of government against them. It draws from their power. Sooner or later the conventional press will see what's going on and maybe, just maybe, concern will spread from beyond the blogosphere (our won EW has been all over this too) and we can force some changes.
And this just in! VP not part of the Executive Branch? Neither is President Bush! Get out that rewrite pen, Rahm!
ohhhhh! Bush wrote a signing statement on his own statement!
Posted by: Kathryn in MA | June 23, 2007 at 12:27
Yeah, and then he discovered his "intent" was not what he actually wrote in his signing statement on his signing statement, so it doesn't actually count, and he and his Big Dick can ignore his own unitary executive royal law making. As if that makes sense to anyone not working off last night's speedball spree. Whatta dweeb.
LA Times has featured this story two days in a row now, complete with an editorial today...some kind of record, I think, to show an actual attention span for something other than Kobe and the Lakers, Paris does jail, Phil Spector's murder trial, or City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo's abuse of office and his completely messed up wife.
Posted by: marksb | June 23, 2007 at 12:49
Rahm better get busy with more than that (satisfying as it was) -- there is a reason for all this secrecy and it doesn't bode well for Iran -- or America.
Posted by: AJ | June 23, 2007 at 14:02
I spoke too soon -- guess Rahm is on the case:
Washington, D.C. House Democratic Caucus Chairman Rahm Emanuel issued the following statement regarding his amendment to cut funding for the Office of the Vice President from the bill that funds the executive branch. The legislation -- the Financial Services and General Government Appropriations bill -- will be considered on the floor of the House of Representatives next week.
"The Vice President has a choice to make. If he believes his legal case, his office has no business being funded as part of the executive branch. However, if he demands executive branch funding he cannot ignore executive branch rules. At the very least, the Vice President should be consistent. This amendment will ensure that the Vice President's funding is consistent with his legal arguments. I have worked closely with my colleagues on this amendment and will continue to pursue this measure in the coming days."
Posted by: AJ | June 23, 2007 at 14:46
Ooho, Rahm is actually doing something right.
I like his reasoning. It has some nice Catch-22 aspects.
Posted by: P J Evans | June 23, 2007 at 15:00
I sure hope the MSM is picking this [Rahm's idea] up. Not too often that I say that about Rahm, but he's done good this time.
Posted by: Mauimom | June 23, 2007 at 15:52
Yes, this move precisely illustrates that it is Congress that has the Power of the Purse. Let's hope members get a very substantial response supporting this move before they vote on it next week.
I tend to think the Public will respond much more favorably to this than to using the Power of the Purse with regard to Iraq policy -- the only things Bush can do are, 1)Negotiate with Congress and agree to follow the laws, etc. etc., or 2) expect to shut down the Executive Office of the President and VP come next October 1 -- for if he were to veto, he would not have an appropriation good after that date.
This would not be a Clinton Era style Government Shutdown -- it would only impact perhaps 5000 mostly political employees at the WH, and a few outside political operatives paid by the EOP line items in the budget. Bush, for instance, would be hard put to use Air Force One -- for while it is owned by the Air Force, the gas is paid for out of the EOP appropriations. I sure hope that if Rahm persues this he gets a top notch message crafter to make very clear exactly what the issue is all about.
Posted by: Sara | June 23, 2007 at 16:11
Not a big Rahm fan, but this actually makes sense.
Having raised teenagers, it makes a ton of sense. Infraction? Meet consequence.
Let's hope Rahm and the Dems keep it simple: problem, meet solution. Not next fall. Not next winter. Not after one more Study Group. Not after the next election. Not after the next indictment. N-o-w.
More of this, please.
Posted by: readerOfTeaLeaves | June 23, 2007 at 17:31
Who knew that the ODQ (Office of Dan Quayle) was the Fourth Branch of Gobmint?
""Lookit, I've done it their way this far and now it's my turn. I'm my own handler. Any questions? Ask me ... There's not going to be any more handler stories because I'm the handler ... I'm Doctor Spin." -- The ODQ
Posted by: Paul in LA | June 23, 2007 at 17:45
Ridicule is the key. The Democrats don't seem to get this. The administration will be forced to trot out more and more lame excuses as their house of cards starts to collapse. Every time somebody mentions the US Attorney's scandal, I want to hear a Democrat say "here comes the 'dog ate my homework' excuse again". Or, I didn't realize when they call themselves the part of Reagan that they meant they all had Alzheimers. When Cheney gets mentioned, Dems need to say "We have three branches of government, Dick. Pick one". We should refer to Scooter Libby as that paragon of Repubulican honesty who was convicted of lying. The only difference between him and the rest of the bunch is that he lied to the FBI and a grand jury instead of just the American people.
Posted by: William Ockham | June 23, 2007 at 20:30
Absolutely. Make the Admin the butt of jokes and ridicule their preposterous positions. It is one more thing that weakens them.
Posted by: Mimikatz | June 23, 2007 at 22:26