by emptywheel
Go here for MB's Wampum post on this.
In my post examining who BushCo has replaced the fired USAs with on the Native American Issues Subcommittee, I pointed out that DOJ decided to hide a salient fact about CO's USA Troy Eid's background. His DOJ bio reads:
Prior to joining Greenberg Traurig in 2003, Troy served for five years on the Cabinet of Colorado Governor Bill Owens.
And here's the new one, helpfully titled "eid_bio_new":
Returning to law practice in 2003, Troy was a partner in the Denver office of a national law firm, focusing on environmental, energy, technology, and federal Indian law, and was rated as one of America's best business attorneys by CHAMBERS USA.
Mind you, the USA site used the older bio until the last couple of weeks. Only since USA Purge has become a scandal has DOJ made a concerted effort to hide the fact that Troy Eid worked in Native American law at Greenberg Traurig at the same time as Jack Abramoff worked there (Eid started at GT in November 2003, and Abramoff resigned under pressure in March 2004, after the scandal started breaking out).
But, as work from Rayne and MBW has revealed, that's not the only thing Troy Eid seems to be hiding. In fact, there seems to be no record that he sent a letter to Gayle Norton on behalf of one of GT's tribal clients. Effectively, Eid seems to have lobbied DOI without disclosing it.
Not long after Eid started at GT, he wrote a letter to fellow Coloradan, Gayle Norton, to push to accelerate tribal recognition for the Mashpee tribe. (Eid seems to have known Norton from joint service on the Columbine report, if not from their mutual work on Western land use issues.)
On Nov. 25, 2003, Troy A. Eid, a shareholder with the lobbying firm of Greenberg Traurig LLP. wrote Norton.‘’Thanks for taking the time to visit last week. I really enjoyed seeing you,’’ the letter begins. ‘’The Mashpee would like to meet with Interior to discuss the concept of developing a timetable for resolving the tribal recognition issue one way or another.’’ Instead of agreeing to a meeting, Norton sent back a letter detailing the status of the tribe’s petition.
Troy Eid only registered for the lobbying he did for Covergsys, and he only listed the White House, Labor, and DHS ("and others"), and the House and Senate, among those he lobbied. You'll note that Kevin Ring, who just stepped down from his own law firm and who has ties to the DOJ Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division who had to resign because of potential ties to the Abramoff scandal, was on the contract with Eid. So were Michael Smith and Stephanie Leger Short, who were found to have accepted improper payments from Native American tribes (and Edward Ayoob, who has ties to Harry Reid, is on there too). Bob Ney staffer Neil Volz even shows up. Right there on the same lobbying disclosure form with the current USA from CO.
Meanwhile, GT's lobbying disclosure for work they did for the Mashpee names many of those same people. But it only records lobbying the House and Senate, not Department of Interior. This, even though the lobbying disclosure admits they were lobbying about tribal recognition, precisely the subject of Eid's letter to Norton.
Now, Eid claims that he and Jack Abramoff had nothing to do with each other.
Eid and Abramoff both worked in divisions that represented American Indian tribes. But Eid has said he joined Greenberg Traurig in 2003, about the time Abramoff was being fired.
But to make that claim, he rewrites history, pushing back Abramoff's forced resignation by six months. Besides, this wouldn't be the first time a Republican claimed not to know Jack Abramoff, in spite of hundreds of interactions with him.
Presumably all this stuff was checked out when he was vetted to be USA. But the bulk of that vetting happened after March 2006, when (we now know) Monica Goodling and Kyle Sampson were in charge of hiring and firing. But a letter (and, from the context, apparently a visit) sure seems like it counts as lobbying to me. So why didn't Troy Eid disclose the letter?
curiouser and curiouser
was any of this bogus information submitted with a signature included under the standard description of the penalties for perjury ???
or do these lies fall under the jurisdiction of section 1001 of title 18 ???
Posted by: freepatriot | May 01, 2007 at 15:22
I get that they wanted to shut down the "Indian thing" at the DoJ to get Abramoff et al off the radar [see this]. But your posts [and others] imply they had more than just that in mind for the Native Americans. What do you think Rove/DoJ were up to? It's not that I don't believe, I just haven't caught that wave yet.
Posted by: Mickey | May 01, 2007 at 16:25
This shit's getting pretty damned deep. My only concern is that this mess starts getting "too complicated" for coverage by our smiling hair-in-perfect-place anchor people. Producers have a low regard for the intelligence of the viewing public. I think they're wrong, but there it is.
Now the DC Madam, that's "good" news---all media will be drooling over that all weekend, it's a simple story and the public can visualize naked women in fantasy role play with government officials at $300 an hour. Sweeps week, too, isn't that convenient?
Posted by: marksb | May 01, 2007 at 16:34
Yesterday we pretty extensively discussed gambling, resource issues and the Cobell settlement, although EW hasn't fully tipped her hand on this.
Posted by: Mimikatz | May 01, 2007 at 16:38
Good thing you have a copy of that CV, EW. Comparing that document against the DOI profile is quite interesting.
And I haven't given up on the oddity of 'shareholder' versus 'partner'. Eid made a point of using that particular word for a specific reason on his own CV; that's not just fluff by a reporter. If Abramoff was an employee and/or partner in GT but not a shareholder, Eid may have had the greater fiduciary responsibility and dotted-line if not direct oversight. As a shareholder he may have been in a position to shape company strategy more so than the many partners. Which makes me wonder: would financials have to be disclosed as part of vetting? How long would it take to acquire GT shares -- and how long to spin them off?
And who in the FBI did the so-called deep background checks as part of the vetting? Somebody without access to teh Google??
Posted by: Rayne | May 01, 2007 at 16:40
There are several reasons why BushCO doesn't want NAs to have a fair shake at justice:
1) The US stands to pay $200 billion in the Cobell lawsuit, basically more than a year of Iraq war payments, for the cheating we've done in the past. They'd like to make sure no one at DOJ stands in the way of an unfair settlement.
2) The US has been cheating NAs out of royalties for things like natural gas for some time, so they'd like some people who are experts at winning resource rights from NAs rather than experts at making sure they get full value in place.
3) The GOP has made a concerted effort to infiltrate the NA community through their gambling programs, both as a way to place compliant leaders in place, to control where new power cetners arise, to get some of the money (and possibly to use the casinos to launder money). They need to hide their Abramoff tracks from the past, but also keep the gig going. So again, compliant folks at DOJ.
4) There are a number of other resource issues--basically the GOP finds it inconvenient that tribes own some key real estate in this country, particularly related to water and energy rights, and they'd like to continue to treat NAs the same way Republicans always treat people of color, rather than having to negotiate fairly.
It's the same thing we've been doing for 400 years, only this time, they're using newfangled financial schemes to do it.
That's okay. Let the DC madam take some people down, by the time that simmers down, this will be ready to boil again.
Posted by: emptywheel | May 01, 2007 at 16:44
The author of the capecodonline is Sean Gonsalves
[email protected]
The author reports that the documents were obtained from the Bureau of Indian Affairs on a FOI.
Maybe this author would fax someone a copy of the original document referring to Eid.
It might be very interesting to FOI the BIA for anything else from Eid.
Posted by: enough | May 01, 2007 at 17:13
Thanks! I'm surfin' now...
Posted by: Mickey | May 01, 2007 at 17:27
EW - It is really interesting, and I think good, to get the take of locals who have their eye on individual threads on the USA mess. Mbw is superb. Diane Silver is doing some good stuff, and has a newspaper/journalism background, on the Kansas and Missouri issues. She writes at Watching Those We Chose. Here is url for one of her pieces
Posted by: bmaz | May 01, 2007 at 22:00
Thanks for the link, bmaz.
Rayne and I are from MI--and that fuels some, but not all, of my curiosity on this issue. But you're right, the folks on the ground are the ones who put it into day-to-day context.
Glad I have some readers from AZ, while we're talking about it.
Posted by: emptywheel | May 01, 2007 at 22:32
It is I who owe you the thanks. It is the legal and Constitutional issues that get my interest and you constantly are involved in them and have an incredible aptitude for marshalling detailed facts that make my thought processes possible. By the way, I am trying to get Paul to go to lunch and have a chat.
Posted by: bmaz | May 01, 2007 at 22:51
Okay, I'm settled into my hotel room in Marina del Rey now. What did I miss?
Posted by: mbw | May 01, 2007 at 22:53
Just so as to keep those on this comment thread in the loop, dKos commenter Magnifico found this absolutely amazing gem from October, 2005:
The whole Gallup Independent article is really great as background on the dispute, which has the potential to make lots of energy companies richer and lots of Indians poor, and tribes much less "sovereign" over their own land and resources.
So now it's clear to me why it was so important to get Eid in, even with his potential Abramoff taint. Time to take a closer look at other Western replacement USAs.
Posted by: mbw | May 01, 2007 at 23:43
Heh heh. Small world. I have dealt with Chris Castillo before. Can't say about El Paso NG, but Castillo was both pleasant, honorable and a square shooter in my case.
Posted by: bmaz | May 01, 2007 at 23:58
The replacements for Charlton and Iglesias are either FUSAs or CRM heads--so they're probably not fully loaded partisans like Eid. Note, though, that Domenici also didn't get his choice for USA (even though he tried Peter Fitzgerald's trick of doing a press conference to name his choices). So whoever BushCo would LIKE has to be pretty bad.
Posted by: emptywheel | May 02, 2007 at 09:58
Here's an interesting GT bio on Eid that I dug up in
"Troy Eid specializes in land use and environmental law, governmental affairs, and public law, including practice before local, state, tribal and federal administrative and regulatory agencies.
Troy served as lead counsel in representing one of the world's largest corporations in a national enforcement action by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Environmental Protection Agency alleging violations of the storm water provisions of the Clean Water Act at multiple construction sites across the country. Troy also has represented public and private employers in complex negotiations with various Indian Tribes and the federal government."
Posted by: Tex MacRae | May 02, 2007 at 11:10
EW, thanks for clarifying something I have never fully understood -- that is, why Abramoff seemed to specialize in fleecing Native American tribes. I'm also wondering whether Abramoff's activities date back to Cheney's Energy Task Force. I have always thought that that Task Force was all about getting their hands on Iraq's oil. Now I'm wondering whether they had a domestic agenda as well, in terms of taking advantage of resources controlled by Native Americans. From your description it appears that Abramoff was the conduit of money to keep compliant legislators and Native authorities in place, while the WH would stack the deck at DoJ to keep them from pursuing any wrongdoing, while Cheney and his pals raked in the profits across the board, while Rove developed and maintained his Permanent Repbulican Majority to keep this well oiled machine running in perpetuity. I'm finally starting to see how the puzzle pieces connect -- thank you.
Posted by: phred | May 02, 2007 at 13:55
Oh, Abramoff was definitely involved in the Task Force--he was on the transition team for DOI, which had him in place to do this stuff from the start.
A different way to think of Cheney's Task Force is as a strategy session to 1) reinforce the current basis for global hegemony (access to cheap energy supplies) and 2) sustain that even though that basis is unsustainable (bc of peak oil). Part of the strategy had to do with wresting control of reserves out of state-owned companies, which the Iraq war might have accomplished on several levels (by weakening OPEC and providing a replacement for Saudi Arabia as the swing producer). And part of the strategy had to do with sucking out all the cheap supplies in the US, by legal or illegal means. Since so much of the supplies are in Native Amercan hands, and since it's so fun (if you're a corrupt Republican) to screw over brown people, Native Americans were a huge part of the strategy.
Posted by: emptywheel | May 02, 2007 at 16:13
EW, thanks again! I knew you would know the connection to the Task Force. I'm so glad you are sorting all of this out for those of us who can barely keep up...
Posted by: phred | May 02, 2007 at 17:27
Thanks for yet another great post, EW!
Posted by: kirk murphy | May 19, 2007 at 18:38
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