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September 17, 2006


The fact that the government wants to use information that is classified as evidence against the combatant without allowing him to see that said information scares the holy crap out of me. The only way this discussion is even being considered or allowed is because the americans who support it assume it could never be used against them.

We need a movie/documentary, of an american born muslim who gets accused as a combatant using phone intercepts and is then "accidently" killed during his interrogation. His interview with Gregory questioning was an amazing peek into the desperation he feels about this. I think there are big problems down the pike regarding the procedures that the military engaged in, and if he doesn't get these laws changed, he will look even worse. He has no choice but to pursue this change. His first option was silence. Hoping that the world wouldn't care or know what they were doing. Now the world knows, then came Hamden, and the rumor is that somebody out there wants to charge Bush with war crimes.

He seems very desperate to me...and my only hope is that desperation will cause a misstep.

When "straight-talk"McCain was talking about "possible compromise," was he really telling the WH that he is ready to cave in and sign off on Bush's pro-torture bill?

...he [McCain]is ready to cave in and sign off on Bush's pro-torture bill?

McCain wins the White House if and only if he wins the primaries.

That places tight constraints on how far he can wander away from the monarchist crazies.

Davis X. Machina answers KdmFromPhila as far as what McCain says. What he does is another story entirely. That's the art of politics, for good or for bad.

There already is the story of the Canadian Muslim who was tortured after being rendered to another country. I think that they are afraid of what will come out about the 14 "high value" targets they brought to Guantanamo with such fanfare. They were supremely confident they could try them in kangaroo courts and prevent any interviews, say by the Red Cross. But things don't seem to be going according to plan (what's new) and now they are getting desperate. But ironically the more desperate Bush gets, as in his press conference last week, the more nervous his more independent allies get. There's only 7 weeks before the midterms, so they are running out of time.

Who leaked? I think it was dems like Plame at CIA complaining at a good time for democrats. NSA thing was the same. Democrats working out of their federal jobs to 'help' the democratic party as an excuse for treason.

Too many people still mistakenly think McCain is a straight-talker. He is given the opportunity to spout sound-bites whenever he chooses and the subject is then closed. Time for his worshipful media to follow-through with what he actually does, not what he says he'll do. He caves in to Bush every time.

I have no love for McCain. But on this one, he wins and Bush loses. They can't both win. They can both lose.

McCain will "compromise." Then, Bush will sign a signing statement, and say he'll do whatever he damned well pleases.

I think we are in a time of transition as nations, as communications and travel are more accessible, the existence of a stateless theocratic terror organization (STTO) became possible, though its resemblance to the atheistic laborcentric international communist ideology of the past is visible.

Countries usually have gendarmes deal with terrorism, so our sending a few armies offshore to create focal points for dealing with the networked STTOs is a new experience. I liked that the chief lawyers in the US military denied the administration's first stated goals for inhumane treatment standards dilution in the armed services committee hearing. But reportedly there is some semantic reworking of their objections and now the military is accepting of the treatment standards.

As 'pol' alludes, above, Bush attached a signing statement to the McCain antitorture amendment in December 2005; I am sure McCain must have come away baffled, having weakened his initially stern language in the process of attaching his amendment to Graham-Levin.

There may be a few individuals who have low morals involved, but I prefer to think a lot of people are doing their best with a knotty problem and an elusive adversary. One of the timeworn scapegoats for many Republicans' politics, however, the UN, could help the US, and many other nations who are dealing with terrorist network entities. I wonder if John Bolton has a vision of how the UN could help countries beset by problems with terrorists address the international aspect of the damage it does to the world order.

On a more diffuse scale, I see the entire process of the rise of terrorism in parallel with the dawn of internet communications, as a drift away from statism and toward individualism. In a way it is a retrogression to some of the individuality our ancestors had, but it is an entirely new framework. And we have all this leisure time in which to be individuals excelling in our own work.

On McCain, I see him as a staunch conservative with a few libertarian policies; kind of a replica of the current center of the Republican party. The minority party by far. These have been a few strange years beginning with a minority presidency by Bush in 2000, seeming to get more eccentric as time progresses.

A simpler interp is that McCain-Warner-Graham dealt with military and uniformed services but having discovered that CIA was not covered, they want to add that.

I'm not sure that's the whole picture but it may be part of it.

These guys are NOT progressives but there are certain shared values.

There may be a few individuals who have low morals involved, but I prefer to think a lot of people are doing their best with a knotty problem and an elusive adversary.

I prefer to think that I'm an awesome chick magnet, but there's damn little evidence for that, either...

Sometimes what you see is all there is.

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