by emptywheel
So instead of reporting on things that matter--such as the news that Fred Hiatt recently made an impassioned defense for what we now know to be the outing of a spy who could prove that Dick Cheney lied us into war--the WaPo presents this as news:
I know, I know--this is really the WaPo's attempt at media criticism. But it does beg the question whether they're looking too closely at navels and not closely enough at mirrors.
Lara Logan is a terrific reporter. What else was on that show? Baby pictures? An 8 second mention that 70% of WTC responders now have permanent lung disease?
The WaPo has that part right, even if they're not one to throw stones.
Posted by: DemFromCT | September 06, 2006 at 08:25
That, and the irony of a headline that says, "This is not newsworthy!"
Posted by: emptywheel | September 06, 2006 at 08:30
The New York Times had a favorable review of Kitten's debut. They also have an ad for the "shew." The contest to submit ideas on how to end the show each evening is ludicrous. My take is that for $15M a year, CC should be able to at least figure that one out although her initial foray shows no indication she has figured out what the evening news should consist of. meow.
Posted by: Sally | September 06, 2006 at 11:53