By DemFromCT
One of the more widely watched TV channels in the state is WTNH in Hartford. Mark Davis is their political reporter, and he did a story on the local news about the Groton sub base located in CT-02, a big deal in these parts. As you know, Lieberman and Simmons are running on their record of saving the sub base, even though all of CT was united in a non-partisan manner to do so.
At the time, Simmons left a voice mail thanking Joe Courtney, his D challenger, for working together to help and for "taking the high road" in not making a political football of it. However, in a district that looks on Bush with <30% favorability numbers, Simmons has ben attacking Courtney as a "did nothing" on Groton. In this You Tube segment, Courtney calls Simmons a hypocrite in a very visible way (don't forget most people get their news from local stations, not the national broadcasts. Everyone wants to know the local weather).
WTNH has more here:
Sub base politics is hitting some very rough waters in Eastern Connecticut. Democratic challenger Joe Courtney is calling Republican Rep. Rob Simmons a hypocrite for saying he did nothing to help save the base after praising him in a personal phone call.
The last thing a politician wants is to be dissed on local TV. It's much harder to dismiss than stories out of DC.
btw, youtube is making a huge difference.
Posted by: DemFromCT | September 22, 2006 at 16:43
courtney's latest ad:
Posted by: DemFromCT | September 22, 2006 at 19:28
This nutmegger caught that on the news. Man, that was great! It seems like the Dems here are really firing it up now.
Diane Farrell had this really boring ad running on TV last week, quite dry, usual sorta of old-fashioned, local ad. However, this week she really kicked it up a notch with her calendar of visits to Iraq by her opponent Shays and what he came back saying each time.
On dreadful news days like today, I'm so happy to see SOMETHING working for our side.
Posted by: SharonW | September 22, 2006 at 20:29
I'm waiting for something from murphy in CT-5.
Posted by: DemFromCT | September 22, 2006 at 20:53
Good site! I'll stay reading! Keep improving!
Posted by: Nika | November 10, 2007 at 02:32