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August 16, 2006


Remarkably thorough etymology -- with pictures! -- of macaca (which is, in fact, the plural of caca (or kaku) in its language of origin) over at Language Log... and a good summary: "As far as I can tell, Allen's usage was nothing more than a dumb ad-hoc label for "funny-looking foreign guy," which is offensive for reasons having nothing to do with monkeys."

The people of Virginia need to rise above this. It's not surprising, with war in Iraq and political exploitation of immigrants as a fear-trigger, that this kind of xenophobia would find a ready audience. And I find myself wondering, if he hadn't gone all the way to "macaca" and just gone as far as "welcome to america" and foreigner-hating condescension directed at a Virginian-born American of Indian descent, would it have made the news?

I'm afraid this is going to blow over, that the press sees a moral equivalency between this and the Jane Hamsher blackface controversy. Even though Jane was using the image to make a non-racist point, while Allen is a racist and the worst kind of bully.

Gee, should we all still believe the Confederate flag and noose he used to decorate his office with was really just a "western theme?"

Plus Jane's not running for office and George is, there's another difference for you. Still, I'm afraid this isn't going to get enough play.

Best description of the event I've seen. As for this:

Allen is now on his second or third excuse right now, trying to claim he was talking caca all the time.

I suspect the idea they had made up a nickname for Siddarth is partly designed to cover for the possibility that further instances of Allen or his campaign using the term will be discovered. However, they're really screwed if anyone can uncover Allen using the term in a non-Siddarth-related context.

In any case, though, the new story is patently and definitively bs, since anyone can tell you that the amalgam of "mohawk" and "caca" would have been "mocaca" not "macaca," which is clearly what Allen said. Unless they pronounce "mohawk" "mahawk" or "m'hawk" in Virginia, which my mouth can't even physically manage.

SW Virginia has in recent years acquired a fairly substantial Hispanic Population -- most are not citizens or voters, but they do the work in the rather recent large Xmas Tree plantations, and a few other industries that need cheap labor. There is some significant conflict between the largely white and Protestant, appalachian population, and the Catholic, Hispanic newcomers.

If Allen's words are to have electorial meaning, they need transporting to N. Virginia which now has a rather substantial Foreign Born population -- Vietnam, India, Afghanistan, and Hispanic -- and to Southside, where the African American population is, in some counties, the majority. I don't know precisely how Webb takes advantage, but that is where the target audiences would be located.


I think there is some evidence Macaca is not only a French slur for North Africans, but it is one that has passed into the far right here.

oh, yeah. I didn't mean to suggest otherwise. I just think etymology is interesting -- completely aside from politics.

macaco, macaca, macaque = all racial slurs is portuguese, spanish, french, italian,
and all the creole dialects of the first three = translates as monkey
used to refer to ethnicities such as africans, arabs, indians, chinese, japanese, and
even natives of south america, from about the 15th century till present days
the portuguese nuances of this racial term as applied to humans are definitely meant
to range from derisive all the way to insulting depending on the delivery
although they got that word in africa the portuguese favored the japanese as primary targets of this epithet, followed by indians (asian), and then africans

by the way that guy did not sport a mohawk by any wishful stretch of the imagination, and you'd be hard pressed to say he even had a mullet

disclaimer: i'm portuguese/dutch/chinese -- i speak portuguese, french, spanish, and a
wee bit of english: calling someone macaca in any of these languages is just fuckin rude,
you know, like nigger is in english, regardless of the style of haircut they're sporting

The foul-mouthed fantasticsam seems to be under the mistaken impression that he's landed in a pro-Israeli hotbed.

The offensive remarks made by Senator George Allen have all the makings of a Dick Wadhams campaign. Wadhams cut his political teeth in Colorado and has been seen as the person behind the rise of Senator Wayne Allard, a Colorado veterinarian. Wadhams went on to orchestrate the campaign against Tom Daschle in South Dakota and is now leading Allen's reelection effort.

Dick Wadhams is a man many have called Karl Rove's protégé. During Wadhams work in Colorado for Senator Wayne Allard's 2002 reelection, he gave one of the most acerbic victory speeches I have ever witnessed. While gloating at the defeat of Ted Strickland, his comments were vile and hateful. The man is Karl Rove absent a scintilla of decorum and decency...if you can imagine that! It appears that George Allen believes that two bullies are better than one.

Read full article here:


It's very scary, if you pair your post with one that appeared yesterday on DKos concerning a Texas political rally. It indicates a fairly deep (how large we don't know) constituency that responds readily and enthusiastically to Nazi-like rhetoric. I'm obviously not saying that Allen or the Texas Rep are neo-nazi's. I'm saying that the body of insecure persons who respond to that rhetoric may be large enough to be dangerous under some conditions. It would take a significant economic and an unexplained military defeat to cause that constituency to grow. That's exactly what worries me.

Don't know where I saw it, but today I read clips from a book about Allen by his sister. She tells of his history as the worst sort of bully. There is no excuse for what he did. This IS Mr. Allen. He has no business in public office, yet he is a perfect example of the true face of modern Republicanism. Narrow minded, simple, selfish, bullies.

Found the story. It was on Huffington - a must read. Here's the link --- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2006/08/16/gop-senator-george-allen_n_27382.html

Jeesh, I knew he was a pinhead judging from his performances on C-Span committee airings, but this is disgusting, and I'm not completely sure this isn't just plain old juvenile, immature playing to the crowd type verbal diarhea. Definitely not senarorial material. Glad I'm a Virginia voter!

Allen went to high school in my hometown in Southern California. He had a reputation there as a rabid outspoken racist. Allen hated black people. At least one girlfriend we know dropped him because of this obnoxious trait. High school classmates of George Felix Allen please come forward!

His body language is worth a dissertation, too.

Frankly, I think this will stick to Allen for the rest of his political career. And it should.


Yup, that's what I'm thinking.

Yes, emptywheel, the hooting that went on during that little baiting session put me in mind of something I never saw in my few years in the South, but heard plenty about: a prelude to a lynching. Not, obviously, that they would have gone so far in 2006. But the spirit was much the same.

Again, yes, MB, that's what I was thinking. Just one woman instigated it, it seems. But Allen sure knew how to feed it and turn it into his own.

Side question: How damned stupid do you have to be to race-bait a guy who's been sent there to videotape you?

I have never ever had my basic assumption--that Allen is BY FAR the stupidest of all Senators--even been questioned. I don't see a reason to start questioning now.

the press sees a moral equivalency between this and...

Already happened in Slate. In typical vaguely passive-aggressive 'raging moderate' fashion, John Dickerson effectively equated the Allen thing with Biden's remark:

Republicans and Democrats seem to have launched the first contest of the 2008 presidential campaign season: which candidate can be more boobish on the topic of people of Indian descent living in America. First, Joe Biden had a go, suggesting you couldn't go into a Dunkin Donuts or 7-Eleven without an Indian accent. Now it's Virginia Sen. George Allen's turn.

I make no apology for Biden's dumb remark, but it hardly is the same as what Allen did. Racism is not 'boobish'.

Interestingly, Dickerson rages (moderately) on that Allen is not really dumb (if true, does that make this incident better or worse?):

Allen is a former governor and serves on the Senate foreign relations committee, which has a reputation for serious thought. He graduated with distinction from the University of Virginia, from which he also holds a law degree. He's no dummy. But sometimes the facts don't much matter.

Gee, I hope that I can grow up to be as wise as Dickerson someday! Sometimes facts don't matter! It's the teevee age! Dang! I have often called Allen a moron, but, hey, getting decent grades in college is a sure sign that you are not a fool (right?), and, more importantly, the Senate FR commitee has a reputation for serious thought!

Pun-dip-shittery rules: 1.) ignore the obvious and 2.) be subtly (or not so subtly) overweening.

Shorter Dickerson: Allen was merely being a boob but he's not really a boob, but people might forever think he is a boob because of YouTube and...television. There now; run along.

i would not read a whole lot into an association between the crowd response to allen and the people of sw virgina.

those "people" include some very independent and smart small businessmen and farmers, some coal miners of "foreign" (mostly polish and czech) origin, and they include the students and faculty of virginia tech.

i can tell you for certain that this kind of comment by allen does not resound in all the hearts and minds of sw virginia.

but yes, throughout the south, there are the copy-cat confederates - the young people, mostly men, who feel they need to identify with some cause as lost and loathed as they are.

that is a matter for economics and education as well as condemnation.

and, for the record, allen was using a well-known north african pejorative for blacks. josh marshal's site says that allen's mother was french-tunisian. there is not doubt in my mind that allen knew what he was doing. but i doubt many in the crowd had even the foggiest idea of the meaning of that word - "macaca".

from youth to old age i have lived much of my life in the tennessee-virgina mountain country. i have never heard the word "macaca" used in discussions of race, or anything else.

it is also the case, historically, that these mountain people were the most resistant to southern, slavery-based economics and politics of any in the south.

that does not mean there are no contemporary racists in the tenn/s.w. va area, but race has not been an issue there in the past because there are few blacks there.


there are lots of hispanics there now. in places i would never have expected them to be.

that, i would guess, is what allen was "referring" to -

just "furriners" with brown skins; just hispanics; jut outsiders.

i suspect this incident would be best understood as a message to southern whites in the appalachians who are concerned about hispanic immigrants in their communities.

nothing more mischievous; nothing less mischievous.

Graduated with distinction? What does that mean? I assume if he graduated with honors, they would say so. Distinction? Is that an academic term?

Meaning they were distinctly glad to get rid of him? Hey, not to diss all you lawyers out there. I have some very good and bright lawyer friends, but I've also know some damn dumb people with JDs from good schools. I hope he's the latter. He's a bigot, bully, bag of @#$#. Smart makes him more dangerous.

This is not a particularly serious comment, and perhaps not the best one to make my first comment on TNH, but emptywheel, I'd always heard that Inhofe was the dumbest senator. I've seen some committee hearings, and Inhofe is about as dense as they come, with regards to policy, diction, the whole bit.

You may be right that Allen is even dumber, but Inhofe certainly gives him a run for his money.

Distinction? Is that an academic term?

It could be, actually. I think it means decent grades (maybe sub-summa?) Of course you can have no deficit of what we commonly call native intelligence and choose to be a moron (eg W Bush). What makes Dickerson's piece such cow pucky is that the question which matters isn't whether or not Allen lacks native intelligence or education, it's whether he's a racist demogogue asshole or not. Dickerson sidesteps that in the very first paragraph (quoted above). That allows him to pontificate absurdly and fatuously about nothing - viz, Allen is: a boob who's no dummy who race baited someone holding a video camera. Got that? The only functional content in that piece is the first paragraph, in which Dickerson tacitly disposes of the question of racism (mature, responsible pundits don't get into stuff like that); the rest is frogwash.

OrionATL makes some good points. White on black racism did indeed tend to be a lot less in the mountains and in highlands generally in the South. I;m almost sure that the highland county in LA Huey Long was from identified with the Union over the Confederacy, for instance. These aren't plantation people. They have tended to resent the white plantation gentry - a point Webb makes, as a matter of fact, in his book 'Born Fighting' (just remembered that). Of course a dick like Allen will at least try to exploit any fear or hatred he can.

Distinction means different things at different schools - some places it's a category below honors or summa, other places I think it's the top. And the University of Virginia tends to have its own language on things as well, so it could mean almost anything there. I looked around their website to try and figure it out but it wasn't readily apparent.

Wapo published 5 letters today on Allen Macaca, 4 of them criticizing him and one of them made the point that Allen must have known what it meant, since his mother was French-Tunisian, etc.
This letter from Sidarth's grandparents is interesting.

We would like to thank you for taking the right stand on the gaffe of Sen. George Allen ["George Allen's America," editorial, Aug. 15].

It is quite shocking for a person of Mr. Allen's caliber, who is running for a second Senate term and is a likely candidate for president in 2008, to point a finger at a young lad of 20, bullying our grandson, S.R. Sidarth, and calling him a derogatory and uncalled-for name. Sidarth was only videotaping the event.

In the 1930s Sidarth's great-grandfather accompanied Mohandas Gandhi to London as his secretary at the Round Table Conference on political reform in India. We come from a heritage of nationalists and seekers after truth. Hence these remarks hurt all the more, and we are personally affected by such an attack.


My point is one that jonnybutter made--I don't think many beyond Allen and the first cackling woman are racists. But Allen used crowd psychology to get most everyone there to participate in a racist smear, out of self-consciousness if no other way.


Oh, don't be shy about talking about stupid GOP Senators, I'm all for that. And I guess you're right, Inhofe is in competition here. I still award it to Allen, though, because these days at least he keeps a higher profile. Inhofe is just publicly stupid on matters of the environment, and I've always assumed that was a very logical position given how much he gets from oil and gas companies.


Thanks for quoting that. Shorter Siddarth's grandparents:

Dear George Felix: We know you've got a famous daddy. But we're famous too, and our Independence movement did far more for this world than your Daddy's (admittedly brilliant) football coaching.

One thing about this struck me as interesting.
Webb's ancestors are from the Fighting Ninth, as far-southwestern Virginia is known, and it's long been a solidly Democratic area, Jerry Kill-gore notwithstanding. Webb's actually making a pretty big deal of his southwest-Virginia roots.
It would be nice to know more about the meeting -- how many attended, was it a Republican function/sponsored meet-and-greet -- and how Allen is doing out there.
I'm wondering if he was struggling to come up with something to bring him and the attendees together -- and undercut any ties Webb has to the area. And the racist thing just fell into place.
My hope: that the blogosphere will get as interested in this race as in the Lamont-Lieberman one. It's an uphill climb, but what a rewarding two-fer -- a right-wing Republican rubber-stamp Senator AND an aspiring 2008 presidential candidate.
Second hope: that other stories about Allen will continue to surface so voters can actually begin to see beneath the faux accent to the person so few Virginia voters know.


i understand. you are very fair and i took no offense whatsoever at your comments.

i just wanted to use the opportunity of your post to say a bit about this area of the country and the people there as i have experienced it in the context of race.

my real interests in this little teapot tempest have been

1) the woman (?) who first responded to allen :

dollars to donuts she was a republican operative of some kind.

republican campaigns these days often feature an "extra" of some sort who seems to be a spontaneous local.

2) the conduct of allen's campaign manager who appears to be an up-and-coming republican guerrilla leader in the atwater-rove mold,

and finally,

3) what is for me the great sin in this and other republican shenanigans - persistent, fantastical public lying about one's intentions and behavior.

lying is an essential part of politics ( and human society), but the persistent outrageous lies that republican political operatives put before the public really are beyond normal human conduct.

alas, except for the web-log world, they go largely unchallenged.

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milf lessons -
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ball honeys -
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milf lessons -
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taylor bow -
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mr cameltoe -
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