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July 03, 2006


I have a dumb question.

If the bomb that killed al-Zarkawi was so powerful, why is there still useable paper based and electronic based forensics there? I'm beginning to think all this stuff that was found and is continuing to be found is made up.

Oops, good to see you again, MB. I should have said that first. Where are my manners.

I don't know what's harder to believe. That anyone would make such a deal, or that anyone would enter into any deal with the Bush administration thinking they'd honor it.

I had a funny thought while reading this: "Sounds like Bush and McCain."

Anyway, I'm more of the conspiracy theorists who believe that the US and Zarqawi had common interests, but not necessarily ones that impacted Al Qaeda. That is, I'm with the Jordanians, I kind of think that, given the numerous times we didn't take Zarqawi out, we probably didn't want him taken out.

But then, he was an important prop in Iraq.

Normally, MB, I'm with you about the assassinations, in that 10%. But with this, with all the other stuff we know and that keeps coming out about Bush, I would indeed think it possible such a deal was made. Hell, Bush and Bin Laden need each other to legitimize their individual crimes! Bush needs to point to Bin Laden to play his "be afraid! be very afraid!" game with the FantasyLand morons of his own "Al Qaeda" (the base). So letting Bin Laden stay out there on the shadowy horizon is a policy given for these scum. I'm not ready to say they blew up the WTC, but they sure used it to their advantage as fast as they could, after going out of their way to avoid dealing with Al Qaeda when they might actually have prevented the attacks. Bush is far more likely to have allowed the attacks than the old right wing canard about FDR allowing Pearl Harbor. It gave them the opportunity they needed to foment their coup d'etat.

Like they say, sometimes even paranoids have enemies, and sometimes there really are cabals and conspiracies.

Hope you aren't melting too bad in this heatwave (but at least my tomato plants are now going nuts with production as a result).


Wouldn't the Saudi's have wanted the U.S to remove Saddam Hussein?? Isn't it possible that since Bush grew up being entertained by the Bin laden family playing with their children, vacationing in each others homes, (per Bush seniors biography) isn't it possible that this whole Bin Laden as the bad guy could have been loosely planned.

Isn't it possible that Bush has a deal with Bin laden?? I won't find you if you keep your bad guys out of our country. Keep control of your renegades...and we'll let you live for a while or turn down the heat??

It's just weird to me that the tape of bin laden came out when it did just before the elections. These tapes seem timed to benefit Bush. I never bought that tape just before the elections. It clearly benefitted Bush.

I get the sense that there is some cooperation and coordination going on between bin laden and the U.S.

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