by emptywheel
The Senate Dems just held a hearing on pre-war intelligence, an attempt to make up for the fact that Pat Roberts has all but cancelled the Phase II investigation. As witnesses they had:
- Carl Ford ("John Bolton is a Kiss Ass Kick Down Kind of Guy" and former head of INR) [Bolton comment corrected per jonnybutter--got my ass kissing and my down kicking confused]
- Larry Wilkerson (Powell's Chief of Staff and the guy who put together Powell's UN speech)
- Wayne White (INR's principal Iraq analyst)
- Paul Pillar (who worked at the NIO and told Bush Iraq didn't have nukes)
- Joseph Cirincione (former intell)
- Michael Smith (Downing Street Memo reporter)
- Rod Barton (who wasn't allowed to discredit the mobile weapons labs)
(Thanks to Kagro X for making me go broke by watching it)
Anyway, the real fireworks were sparked, twice, by Congressman Walter Jones, who joined the Senate Dems in asking questions.
First, Jones asked how OSP had been able to hijack the intelligence and bring us to war. Larry Wilkerson answered, "The Vice President."
Then, Jones asked Joseph Cirincione if the law had been broken. Quoting from Ellicatt:
[Jones]: Do you feel the law was broken? Congress was responsible for sending troops to Iraq. Do you feel that down the road it could be seen as proven?
[Cirincione]: As deeply flawed as it is, most of it was done legally, they won the policy battles. The question now is in the coverup; are they telling the truth about their roles? These are the landmines; if congress persues this and tries to find the truth of what went wrong, you will get into criminal areas and coverup.
Well, hopefully CSPAN will replay the hearing so maybe ten more people will see this clear indictment of, as Wilkerson said, The Vice President.