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May 07, 2006


One would think that with so many hands in the stew that someone would eventually spill the beans as to what is going on.(sorry for the bad metaphors) But is this how it has been getting out?

Actually, you're right, cathy, this is out there. Pincus has been working on this story for years.

I probably should have said that outsourcing domestic spying will delay the time when it comes under oversight. And probably lead to some abuses that might otherwise not happen.

Along with bypassing oversight, it seems like an advantage of using contractors is that they themselves have no protection (on the off chance one of them develops a conscience, it makes it more difficult to lodge complaints).

Can someone post a link on the easiest way to register to go to the Kos convention and Plame panel? Thanks.

Here you go, Saltin. There are links on the left hand side for registration and hotel reservations.

Not only does outsourcing the dirty work free you from direct scrutiny, but it provides you with the "Whoopie-daisy!" excuse when you're caught. "Gosh, I guess they need more training! It's not the program, it's just 'a few bad apples.' Sorry about that!"

Meanwhile, there's no chance you'll lose your contract, because your getting the chairman schtupped.

Course, per “Meet Jerry Doe” article, the actual grunt out in the field doing the spying and running the risks need not be so much of a buddy under the contractor relationship. That way if there's a need to jettison the subcontractor- or contractor's employee-spy, for an excess of effectiveness or honesty in reporting, say, or just if it becomes hard work to fulfill normal institutional obligations to same, the outsourced relationship makes this easier than if s/he were a GS-something. Accountability in a variety of directions gets weakened.

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