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May 26, 2006


here's an example of CDC politics from effect measure

The Atlanta Journal Constitution has another in a series of stories about poor morale at CDC. Finally the problems have attracted the attention of a congressional committee, the same one (the Senate Finance Committee) already looking into whether state bioterrorism funding has received adequate CDC oversight:

The U.S. Senate Finance Committee is investigating whether turmoil within the Atlanta-based CDC caused by a massive reorganization is "resulting in the loss of distinguished medical experts whose participation will be greatly needed in the event of future catastrophic health emergencies," committee spokeswoman Jill Kozeny said Tuesday night. (Atlanta Journal Constitution)

For some time complaints have been anonymously posted on an outside website, cdcchatter.net:

Some of the complainants are career CDC employees, many with distinguished scientific records, but they have unanimously refused to be identified, saying they fear reprisals on the job. The employees contend the reorganization has created new bureaucracies that hamper their work and that key scientists have been marginalized.

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