by DemFromCT
Well, there's NBC.
President George W. Bush's job approval rating was just 37 percent in the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.
The poll also showed a wide lead for the Democratic Party over Republicans on the question of which party voters would prefer to control Congress -- although the GOP still holds a narrow advantage on the issues of Iraq and homeland security.
The poll released Wednesday showed 58 percent of those surveyed believed Bush is experiencing a long-term setback from which he is unlikely to recover, NBC reported.
"He's losing his grip on governance," said Democratic pollster Peter Hart, who conducted the survey with Republican Bill McInturff. "It's now a sense that we've seen the best that he's going to produce as president of the United States."
There's Survey USA: 36-60, and only 7 states show positive net approval (and only Utah in double figures). Find your state and see where you stand. CT is #41 at -34.
But the details are all with Pew. 33% is the lowest rating Bush has on any major poll. They join Gallup and CBS with posting record Bush lows:
The president's ratings for handling of several specific issues, particularly terrorism, have also declined sharply. Just 42% now approve of Bush's job in handling terrorist threats, an 11-point drop since February. In January 2005, as Bush was starting his second term, 62% approved of his handling of terrorist threats.
Bush's personal image also has weakened noticeably, which is reflected in people's one-word descriptions of the president. Honesty had been the single trait most closely associated with Bush, but in the current survey "incompetent" is the descriptor used most frequently (See pp. 7-8).
The survey asked for single word descriptors (incompetent was followed by idiot and liar), so "miserable failure" wasn't an option.
The presidental comparison continues. He's not Reagan. He's not Clinton. He's the worst of Nixon (partisan law-breaker) Reagan (out of touch) and Carter (not up to the job) combined.
Posted by: DemFromCT | March 16, 2006 at 07:39
He's doing a heck of a job.
Posted by: Pilgrim | March 16, 2006 at 08:33
IMHO it is due to the combination of Iraq, where he and his Admin seem so hopelessly out of touch, plus economic facotrs. On CNBC this am they were puzzled why the Pres doesn;t get more credit for the wonderful economy. As I have observed before, we have a two-tier economy to a degree unprecedented in my lifetime, where the top 5% is doing great, the stock market is reaching highs not seen since Spring 2001, and at the same time there are sky-high gas prices, low wage growth, fewer people in the work force (that is the cause of the supposed "low" unemployment figures) and more and more people just one serious illness from disaster.
Posted by: Mimikatz | March 16, 2006 at 10:57
was just looking at some of the state-by-state tracking graphs, from the surveyusa link in the post above. what's the flip-floppiness in texas? The other states near the top of the list that I looked at had smaller but noticeable versions of this cycle. Love him in August, hated him on October, loved him in January, hate him today. What is that?
Posted by: emptypockets | March 16, 2006 at 13:18
censure poll:
o you favor or oppose the United States Senate passing a resolution censuring President George W. Bush for authorizing wiretaps of Americans within the United States without obtaining court orders?
3/15/06 Favor Oppose Undecided
All Adults 46% 44% 10%
Voters 48% 43% 9%
Republicans (33%) 29% 57% 14%
Democrats (37%) 70% 26% 4%
Independents (30%) 42% 47% 11%
Posted by: DemFromCT | March 16, 2006 at 13:49
'pockets... harriet miers and Dubai... base flips and flops.
Posted by: DemFromCT | March 16, 2006 at 15:18
Well, all that Utah shows is that my father was right long ago when he said the way to understand the Utah State Religion was to remove the second "m."
Posted by: TCinLA | March 16, 2006 at 15:52