by DemFromCT
Continuing our lesiurely approach to the New Year, here's an open thread to talk about anything you want... Abramoff, the unpopular Pesident, whatever.
As part of an ambitious strategy the White House has mapped out for the next four weeks, Mr. Bush has scheduled two major speeches - one on the economy on Friday in Chicago, another on Iraq - ahead of the State of the Union address, which is tentatively scheduled for Jan. 31. By the time he appears before Congress, Mr. Bush's aides are hoping, two of the immediate challenges the president faces - the Supreme Court confirmation hearings of Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr. and the permanent renewal of the Patriot Act - will be behind him.
Uh-huh. He's got so much political capital left, he's unstoppable. Still, just because Bush plants stories in the paper doesn't mean they're true.
But the deficit may be only one of the gathering clouds in his dealings with a Republican Congress that has been uncommonly unruly in recent months. Though Mr. Bush made no mention of the subject in his radio address, some of his advisers and national security officials say the White House has decided in the past two weeks to take a hard line with Congressional inquiries into Mr. Bush's secret authorization of wiretaps without warrants on suspects within the United States.
What's needed is an adversarial, skeptical approach from the media. More fact-checking, less stenography. Don't hold your breath, though.
And have a happy and safe New Year.
open threads are coming faster than I can keep up with. Please see my late-night last-night query in previous open thread -- looking for real estate predictions for the CA bay area.
Posted by: emptypockets | December 31, 2005 at 15:06
Emptypockets: I can't tell you of any area in the Bay Area that will be up and coming in 10 years, except maybe Solano County. People here already drive over an hour each way from places like Tracy. Every place has been exploited. One possibility unconnected to the Transbay Terminal is Pacifica, which will benefit from a tunnel that will make the constant slides and road closures on Highway 1 a thing of the past. But you have to like fog. Linda Mar is the least foggy part.
The nine Bay Area counties are Alameda, Contra Costa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Marin, Sonoma, Napa and Solano. Goood luck.
Posted by: Mimikatz | December 31, 2005 at 17:33
Mimikatz, thanks very much! Solano county -- I'll keep it in mind. Median home price $321,130. Grows walnuts. Named one of America's 100 best communities for young people by Donna Shalala, Cal Ripken, and Tim Russert.
I'll keep Pacifica in mind too. I guess if people already put up with a 2-hr/day commute to live in these areas, demand for homes there will only increase if the commute gets easier!
Posted by: emptypockets | December 31, 2005 at 18:23
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