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November 24, 2005


ew - thank you for your intelligence, insight, analysis, and humor. What a brain.

I give thanks that we have Ron K, and everyone else on this blog, and on others, to keep the civic fermet bubbling along:

Oh, Pamphleteers!

happy turkey day everyone.

Did you remember the leopard for pesentation?

Thanks Jonny, to be called a pamphleteer in this context is a high compliment.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who comes by to make this place such a joyful endeavor for myself and the rest of our crew.

Pamphleteers and more. I'm thankful for you all. (Reminds me, I print out articles that I think are especially appropriate and powerful and leave them wherever I go. I've even been known to buy a newspaper and stuff the others with reading material.)

And I'm thankful for practical, kind and compassionate Americans.

I'm thankful for The Next Hurrah, Firedoglake, and critical mass.

Grateful for another bastion of progressive thought and discussion.

Looking forward eagerly to another year of fine posting here at The Next Hurrah.

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