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November 11, 2005


RonK: This essay is breathtaking. Brilliant and, to my war-weary soul, inspiring. Thanks for putting this tale so eloquently.


The wall of lies has taken longer to crack than you perhaps expected, certainly longer than any of us hoped.

But perhaps the flip side of that is that its fall will be all the harder. Everywhere you look - not just regarding Iraq, but across the field - there's a sense of nearly inexorable collapse. Everything in Bushworld was buttressed against everything else, and now it is all shuddering, fracturing, coming apart at the seams.

-- Rick

The implosion of the Bush Presidency reminds me of the collapse of Enron in the way the latter happened on such a spectacular scale and in so short a time. In both cases, neither organization was actually performing the tasks assigned to it by voters or shareholders--that is, governing or providing services to customers--but instead both outfits were obsessed with manipulating perceptions and concealing evidence of the fraud they had committed.

My sympathies, RonK. You join the ranks of those who have felt the lash of (Howard) Dean's Law -- and he inherited it from George McGovern, who inherited it from...

In politics, the only thing worse than being wrong is being right too soon.

God almighty, that was a nice piece. Not only was it very clear, it was also very pretty.

It certainly did take longer than expected, longer than it should have. Bush gave his game plan away today when he accused the Dems of "rewriting history"--exactly what he himself is up to.

But it is also unraveling faster than expected, what with the lids coming off the intel reports, the implosion of the budget, DeLay out of action because he was too clever by half banking the playing field because he knew he couldn't win otherwise . . . .

They are going down, no mistake about it, victims of their own schemes. The one thing they forgot to do was govern, it is a major cause of their undoing.

I expected it to take time. I still expect it to take time.

It shouldn't have taken this much time, though. Cheney shouldn't have made the 2004 ticket, and Bush shouldn't have won, and maybe shouldn't have completed his first term ... and wouldn't have if either the media, or the Democrats, or the GOP grown-ups were on their "A" game. Now we have an administration consigned to a full four years in purgatory, while the damage control backlog piles up around them.

Now, about this Rove fellow. Eager beavers are upset that he's still in the White House ... but every day he's in there hastens the collapse. When he walks into a meeting, or dials in on a conference call, or appears on a memo or email cc list, a chill enters the space with him. Everyone becomes hypervigilante about what they do, and what they say, and what they hear, and what they do or don't put down on paper, and what the do or don't tell anybody else afterward.

A cancer growing on the Presidency? I dunno. Leprosy, at least.

Brilliant analysis, bravo. When Bush was re-elected I found myself in a state of numb shock. It could only mean that something truly awful had happened in the US. What a pity that it has taken so long for pieces of the machinery to realign. Every day of delay until the fascist NeoCon government is neutralized means that still more US servicemen/women die. Blood is on the hands of Cheney, Rove et.al. I still can't wrap my mind around why the American electorate allowed this to happen. As the machine grinds to a halt, boys and girls are still dying over there. And I remain shocked and numbed. And nauseated.

Brilliant analysis. Thanks.

I still think the overarching historical narrative will be that it was all about his father.

Bush's first term was about getting re-elected for a second term, to not repeat his father's mistake of doing what was best for the country (not invading Iraq) instead of what was best for himself (invading Iraq). Everything the son did, consciously and subconsciously, was about getting re-elected. Invading Iraq is #1 on that list.

His second term is and will continue to be about how the cost of getting re-lected (in every sense, financial, human, moral, political, even social) bankrupted him.

Great analysis, Ron . . . is this intelligence mosaic you write about related to theory of The Wisdom of Crowds, or has the administration finally reached the Tipping Point, where its corruption has finally become manifest to the majority?

Previous administrations have been problematic to the extreme, but what distinguishes this one is, as mimikatz points out, its complete and total failure to govern. This adminstration wants the political power that comes from being the majority party, but is contemptuous of even the most basic responsibilities of governance. This incompetence has soured the American people on them. But, in the long run, it's the the Administration's underlying money trail that will take the most sleuthing to untangle.

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