by Kagro X
Ooh! Ooh! Pick me! I know!
Allow me to take you on yet another far-ranging but ultimately self-referential tour, just to see whether or not there's something coherent being built here.
I want to revisit Bill Kristol's lead trial balloon for a moment, to highlight something I think deserves a second look:
Why are conservative Republicans, who control the executive and legislative branches of government for the first time in living memory, so vulnerable to the phenomenon of criminalization? Is it simple payback for the impeachment of Bill Clinton? Or is it a reflection of some deep malady at the heart of American politics? If criminalization is seen to loom ahead for every conservative who begins successfully to act out his or her beliefs in government or politics, is the project of conservative reform sustainable?
What's going on here? What evil lurks where?
"Is it simple payback for the impeachment of Bill Clinton?"
Stop. Right. There.
You dirty bastard. You dirty, sneaky bastard!
Are you trying to impeachment-proof your boy on me?
[E]ven if the plans for exactly what to do with the next Republican presidency were unclear at the time, it surely must have been clear to top-level operatives that no matter what the outcome of the Clinton trial, impeachment was going to be off the table for the foreseeable future, probably no matter what the circumstances. There would be a considerable "fatigue" factor, but even more obvious, it seems to me, is that this fatigue would facilitate the easy labeling of any discussion of impeachment in the near term as just more of the "partisan sniping" and "politics of personal destruction" that Americans are so used to seeing routinely rejected in the comments carried by the mainstream media. It would be all too easy to dismiss even the most serious and firmly-grounded discussion of impeachment this way, and thereafter to say no more about it.
That was in May. Nearly five months later, here we are, and the meme is "they're trying to criminalize politics!" Back to May for a moment:
[C]onsider the laundry list of affronts to common sense and the supposed mission of being a "uniter, not a divider" that have ensued: the seemingly purposeful turning away from "hair on fire" warnings about al Qaeda; the lies leading to the Iraq war; the outrageous legal contortions on "unlawful combatants"; the new Gulag and the torture memos; the subsequent nomination of Alberto Gonzales in the face of those memos; the Schiavo insanity; the fraternity prank nomination of John Bolton; Cheney's complicity in the Senate's nuclear option plans; intransigence on stem cell research; etc. Taken together, are they not the likely answers to the question, slightly modified from its "motivational speaker" origins: What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not be held to account?
The list has only grown since then: Jack Abramoff's influence peddling, fraud, and racketeering; Tom DeLay's money laundering; their possibly complicity together in the New Hampshire phone jamming and its attendant undermining of the electoral process; the fraternity prank nomination of Harriet Miers; the unfathomable abdication in the face of Katrina; the subsequent exposure of Michael Brown and the "turkey farm" at FEMA; Bill Frist's "Martha Stewart problem", and, of course; the acute and growing putrescence exposed by the investigation of the Plame "leak."
More, from May:
[T]here need not be a grand, unifying theory of everything in order for the underlying assumption to be true: that the President and his advisors are quite aware of the uphill battle that even the most substantive and well-grounded impeachment movement would face, just to gain minimal legitimacy in the press.
And while that may present the most serious socio-political hurdle to impeachment, there are plenty of institutional ones that make worrying about this one a waste of time. My broader concern is that this also presents the most serious hurdle to even lesser exercises of checks, balances and overall accountability for an administration that believes -- and in practical terms they are so far correct -- that at the moment there are no bounds to its power, and no institution formidable enough to check its exercise.
Impeachment may not be the answer, though it seems the word is on more and more lips these days. But surely alternative checks on "administration" power are in order? Ken Salazar has the right idea, if not necessarily the same motivation. Might not someone else hit upon the same notion when it's Harriet Miers' turn? At what point do Senators and others begin to realize that with the White House literally crawling with traitors, the intelligence community in a shambles, Armed Forces readiness a total question mark, that voting on a complete cipher for the Supreme Court is actually a fairly irresponsible thing to do? Not voting for a complete cipher. I meant voting on one. There's a huge "Kick Me!" sign on the Senate's back. This is no time for worrying about what the president is or isn't "entitled to." What about what you're entitled to as Senators? What about what we're entitled to as Americans?
A shift in perspective is necessary:
What's the old saying? Subvert the dominant paradigm?
This "criminalizing politics" meme has to be stamped out, and the only way to do it is to encourage the people you influence when it comes to politics to realize that crime is crime, no matter who commits it. The "Washington tradition" of leaks is no excuse, and in any case, the Plame outing is but one branch in an interconnected web of illegality.
That the criminals in this case have access to the levers of power is actually being used as an excuse for all this -- we have a "mandate!" Meanwhile, anyone with their eyes open should be able to see that this is the very fact that makes their criminality so incredibly dangerous. Having been handed the keys to the kingdom at the ballot box is not supposed to be "cover," it's supposed to be a sacred trust.
Unfortunately, Americans are in a state of shock, and can't bring themselves to understand fully that "just politics" seems to include bringing the full force of the federal government (and more, if you're willing to cheat, as this "administration" is) down on the heads of anyone who dares call their bluff.
That's your First Amendment protection, folks. Don't mistake it.
Judy Miller isn't protecting the First Amendment, she's helping them trash it. Your right to call bullshit on this "administration" is worthless if Joe Wilson's is.
There are far-ranging implications to letting Kristol get away with this horse shit, ladies and gentlemen. So let's talk: Is this "criminalization of politics" line, this theory that all these indictments -- indictments! -- are just so much "payback for the impeachment of Bill Clinton" merely the everyday sort of suppressing fire that the right-wing punditocracy lays down to protect their own? Or is it in fact the triggering of the first trip wire, signaling that opponents of the "administration" finally threaten to penetrate their perimeter?
Interesting to note that they are starting saddam's trial now, just in time to give the GOP BOUGHT MEDIA an excuse to ignore any possible indictments.
Posted by: asia | October 17, 2005 at 17:01
Maybe the trial will be covered by members of the media sporting new "security clearances," conveniently printed on the backs of novelty "Bikini Inspector" cards.
Posted by: Kagro X | October 17, 2005 at 17:09
I like to diminish the quality of the discourse in my own posts right away, in case you hadn't noticed.
Posted by: Kagro X | October 17, 2005 at 17:10
I like the person who noted that in WWII, these current WH folks would have been taken out and shot.
Posted by: DemFromCT | October 17, 2005 at 17:26
The above may be metaphoric, but in those days, revealing clandestine secrets was not recieved well.
Posted by: DemFromCT | October 17, 2005 at 17:27
Well, the focus has changed, somewhat. Today, loose lips "create jobs" at shipyards.
Posted by: Kagro X | October 17, 2005 at 17:36
Here is what's going to happen:
Whether or not he is actually indicted, Cheney will be forced out by his party for "health reeasons." Bush will be forced to accept a new VP who can both shore up the presidency and stand first in line for 2008. McCain?
Posted by: Libby Sosume | October 17, 2005 at 17:41
So okay Mr Kristol, let's review shall we?
1. Who asked the Justice Department to investigate the Plame outing? Was it a) The Librul Democrats? or b) the CIA?
That's right! It was the CIA.
2. Who ran the Justice Department that agreed to investigate the case: was it a) those pesky librul Democrats? or b) the Bush Administration?
That's right again! The Bush administration! Aren't you smart! And the Bush administration is a) a bunch of pinko lefty Democrats? or b) the apotheosis of all conservative hopes both Movement and Neo, led by God's Own Chosen President?
B again! You deserve two M&Ms for that answer! Do you want blue? No, red, of course.
Last one, for a whole bag of yummy M&Ms: when John Ashcroft recused himself from investigating the Plame matter and Fitzgerald was brought in, it was because a) Ashcroft was really a crummy pinko Democrat who only pretended to be conservative? b) the Pinko Democrats made him do it using their overwhelming power as the minority party in all three branches of government? or c) a rare burst of integrity from a True Believer whose back was against the wall because the conflict of interest was so obvious even the True-iest Blue-iest True Believer couldn't come up with a way to squirm out of it, plus they had already had 24 hours free and clear to shred the worst documents and so cross your fingers....
Which one Mr Kristol? Don't forget, this is for all the M&Ms, so think before you answer!
Posted by: DrBB | October 17, 2005 at 17:45
Whether or not he is actually indicted, Cheney will be forced out by his party for "health reasons." Bush will be forced to accept a new VP who can both shore up the presidency and stand first in line for 2008. (McCain?)
Is that brilliant or what?
Just think about it. Americans will be relieved to know we won't go to hell in a handbasket with Chimp alone in the WH. And in 2008 they will be so grateful to the Republicans for saving us.
Posted by: Libby Sosume | October 17, 2005 at 17:47
In the October Atlantic Monthly French intellectual Bernard-Henri Levy wrote about Kristol in Part IV of his series "In the Footsteps of Tocqueville." He notes that what links him to someone like Kristol is longstanding anti-Communism and rebelling "against the way the West had consented to the enslavement of the countries in 'captive Europe,'" and a desire for a more idealistic foreign policy.
But he also finds Kristol very different from himself and other European intellectuals, particularly in the ways that Kristol adopts the social conservatism of the more extreme members of the Bush Adminsitration. When he mentions to Kristol that the issue of the "Weekly Standard" lying on the table seems inordinately preoccupied with "the women of the Clinton scandals," Kristol is embarassed. "I sense that he thinks a European can't accept this mingling of politics and trash, so he plays it down." Kristol seems to be saying that this is the price of getting a foreign policy they can really get behind.
Levy then administers the smackdown:
"Let's agree his annoyance isn't feigned. In that case the whole question lies right there, and in my mind it is almost worse.
"When you uphold one goal of a given faction, do you have to uphold all of its goals?
"Because you're in agreement about Iraq, do you have to force yourself to agree with the death penalty, creationism, the Christian Coalition and its pestilential practices?
"When I have dinner with someone in a restaurant, do I have to order all the courses in the menu?
"Or, on the contrary, isn't the privilege of what we call an intellectual--isn't it his honor and, at core, his real strength, as well as his duty--to continue to defend his own colors, even and especially when he lends support to the government on a specific point?"
And this is what separates them: Kristol "is a Platonist without the ideas. An adviser to princes without detachment or reservations. An antitolitarian who, at bottom, is not as faithful as he would like to think to the heritage of Leo Strauss and Hannah Arendt--and who, for this reason, deprives himself of the necessary freedom that the status of intellectual should imply."
In short, Kristol is a hack who has sold his independence and integrity for what he fancies is "influence" and a place at the table. But precislely because there is no core of values there except helping to hold onto power, he can't see that the criminality is inherent in the accumulation of power without oversight. He is, in this, a betrayer of Madison as well.
This line of thinking of his is just so much more trash. Really, what can you say about this group and their preoccupation with Clinton? A bunch of guys who didn't get enough when they were young and so have such a visceral envy of Clinton that they just can't stop thinking about him?
And I think your main point is right, that we are seeing how people act when they think they are never going to be held to account.
Again, power without ethics, without objectivity, in service of their own cult of personality. It would be pathetic, if it weren't doing so much damage to the country.
Posted by: Mimikatz | October 17, 2005 at 17:51
DrBB, the blue ones taste better.
Note, Libby Sosume, that the new VP has to be approved/ratified by Congress, a la Ford replacing Agnew. McCain may be running for President again, and other Sens, who see the next Prez looking back in the mirror, may not be overeager to endorse.
Posted by: DemFromCT | October 17, 2005 at 17:52
I'm sorry. I've been following this theme for a day and a half now and I still fail to see the term ex post facto anywhere. Is it Kristol's view that none of what is being discussed here was a crime previously and that prosecutors are making up new laws so they can raise their indictment quotas?
Posted by: Meteor Blades | October 17, 2005 at 17:58
I say Bush leaves the Vice Presidency vacant. God, after all, is his copilot. Plus, he could give a crap about annointing a successor, so long as it's illegal to appoint Jeb.
Posted by: Kagro X | October 17, 2005 at 17:58
MB, great point. Perhaps Kristol was frightened off by the cognate, "facto."
Posted by: Kagro X | October 17, 2005 at 18:00
Speaking of pushback memes, via swopa, check out this piece of absolute comedy gold. Also via swopa, check out how this shit has already made the rounds.
Posted by: park | October 17, 2005 at 18:11
park, that's classic:
Remember, you can tell what they're up to be seeing what they accuse others of doing. Mirror world.
Posted by: DemFromCT | October 17, 2005 at 18:27
criminalizing politics: this article in today's Times brought it to mind again.
"In the end, the very word 'corruption' has been bandied about so much that it now seems to mean a thousand different things, some of them perfectly legal.
Bashir Akinyele, a high school history teacher in Newark, said Mr. Corzine was 'corrupt' for recently donating more than $2 million to black churches in New Jersey...
Mia Gibson, a musician in Camden, said Mr. Forrester was 'corrupt' for making millions of dollars from his prescription-drug-benefits company."
The Times writes it from the slant of "tut tut, those dumb voters," saying politicans are accused of corruption so often that now "the meaning of corruption is deeply personal and multitextured."
The other way of writing the piece of course would be "tut tut, those weak laws" and pointing out how the legal restrictions on campaign finance and activities are lagging voters' sense of morality so severely that many actions that on their face seem unethical are, absurdly, legit.
In short, though the Times misses it, there may be a ready-built base of support for the notion of criminalizing much of modern politics. About damn time.
Posted by: emptypockets | October 17, 2005 at 18:38
In the same way that Democrats still call the shots on Capitol Hill, despite a Republican Senate majority, the Times and other liberal media forced the Bush administration to agree to their demands for an investigation in the CIA leak case.
Yes, it's the old "Why are you hitting yourself? Why are you hitting yourself?" routine. Again.
Posted by: Kagro X | October 17, 2005 at 18:52
Well, it's clearly true about calling the shots. Reid nominated Miers, right?
Once upon a time, before wwwLand was invented, I regularly wrote parody. But the links park has given us proves that I was wise to opt out of that biz. I'm not smart enough to satirize ethical flat-earthers.
Posted by: Meteor Blades | October 17, 2005 at 19:49
"...The Times and other liberal media forced the Bush administration to agree to their demands for an investigation in the CIA leak case."
The CIA went to Justice and demanded an investigation.
I mean, is there no limit to the up-is-downism of the Party apparatchiki?
Posted by: Davis X. Machina | October 17, 2005 at 20:36
It's not the criminalization of politics... it is the politicization of Organized Crime.
Posted by: kant | October 17, 2005 at 21:00
Mimikatz --
I think the high-school weenie subtext extends beyond their obsession with Clinton's phallic achievements. The whole neocon foreign policy fascination with "toughness" reeks of people who have never gotten over the big kids beating them up and taking their lunch money.
Think about their image of the US as a "pitiful helpless giant" being kicked around on the UN playground. Partly this is an unending obsession with Vietnam - yeah, ironic that they got us into an essentially similar jam. But IMHO it also has a subtext of the 98-lb weakling syndrome.
-- Rick
Posted by: al-Fubar | October 17, 2005 at 21:18
Thanks for giving me an excuse to post this for about the 933rd time:
Richard Perle: Whose Fault Is He?
Calvin Trillin
Consider kids who bullied Richard Perle--
Those kids who said Perle threw just like a girl,
Those kids who poked poor Perle to show how soft
A mamma's boy could be, those kids who oft-
Times pushed poor Richard down and could be heard
Addressing him as Sissy, Wimp or Nerd.
Those kids have got a lot to answer for,
'Cause Richard Perle now wants to start a war.
The message his demeanor gets across:
He'll show those playground bullies who's the boss.
He still looks soft, but when he writes or talks
There is no tougher dude among the hawks.
And he's got planes and ships and tanks and guns--
All manned, of course, by other people's sons.
Posted by: DHinMI | October 18, 2005 at 00:36
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