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October 10, 2005


I just put up a post that I think is related.


I'm sick to death of a leaderless Democratic party. What "seems" to be happening to Paul Hackett is an example of the stupidity going on in the Democratic party.

Why aren't the Democrats out front on the war, the casualties, foreign policy, healthcare.... Those poor guys fighting and dying in Iraq have been abandoned..by both parties. It's pathetic and I'm disgusted.

"Nine days from now will mark the 20th anniversary of the death of one of those first 2000 to fall in Vietnam"

40th anniversary, surely?

Indeed. Thanks. Fixed.

How sad.
Democrats can't make their **ing mind. Not a good omen of coming attractions. Mr. Brown had all the time to decide whether to run or not for the senate before Hackett got in the ring. Both of them appear to be equally appealing candidates, a breed Democrats are sorely lacking, and may end up shooting each other in the foot to the glee of Republicans. The race is just starting. Lack of organization and communication will doom democrats in 2006 and 2008. The Democratic party better get accustomed to living in the political wilderness. They do not seem ready for prime time. I would not be surprised if Hackett switches parties. Soldiers will continue to die.

How sad.
Democrats can't make their **ing mind. Not a good omen of coming attractions. Mr. Brown had all the time to decide whether to run or not for the senate before Hackett got in the ring. Both of them appear to be equally appealing candidates, a breed Democrats are sorely lacking, and may end up shooting each other in the foot to the glee of Republicans. The race is just starting. Lack of organization and communication will doom democrats in 2006 and 2008. The Democratic party better get accustomed to living in the political wilderness. They do not seem ready for prime time. I would not be surprised if Hackett switches parties. Soldiers will continue to die.

In line 1 of your post, don't you mean the House Majority Leader, not the Senate leader (Frist)?

Even if you’re among those like me who grinds their teeth every time American (or “coalition”) casualties are mentioned without reference to the horrific toll on Iraqis since March 2003


If more people had paid attention sooner, perhaps that wall in Washington would be shorter, and there would be a few million fewer graves in Southeast Asia.

I grind my teeth every time. Iraq and Vietnam are pretty different wars in some ways, but the plain immorality of slaughtering tens of thousands of 'local' people is the same. Also the same as when the governments of Iraq and Iraq slaughtered a few million of each other's people just to keep folks 'fired up' and patriotic. Our president is a weak man who, when confronted with a new kind of enemy, tragically chose to make America more, rather than less, like that enemy (and by 'enemy' I mean the Salafis). It's a world historical blunder, the quintessence of bad character writ large.

As Jon Stewart said last week: 'Remember Iraq? That was the category 5 shitstorm...'

As old man Plato said: 'One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.'

Since this is an open thread, one more pertinent quote, from Brecht (just to 'balance' the Plato):

Those who take the meat from the table
Teach contentment.
Those for whom the taxes are destined
Demand sacrifice.
Those who eat their fill speak to the hungry
Of wonderful times to come.
Those who lead the country into the abyss
Call ruling too difficult
For ordinary men.

Hard work!

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