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September 06, 2005


Very challenging ideas for a city of this importance. However, the plan should also include a plank about preserving and enhancing the historical and cultural heritage of this city (in the architecture, for instance) and its significance for America. Neww Orleans was at the confluence of the mighty Mississippi and the Gulf of Mexico, but it was also a cultural crossroads. Any ecological reconstruction project of the Big Easy should place this concern way up there.

Great post, Meteor. I keep saying that what we need here is Intelligent Design. I'm serious. We should coopt the term and make it stand for something good. Besides, we may confuse that other debate and make some lightbulbs go off in this one.

What has become a new fear is that there will be loads of people in BushCo who want to move as much commerce as possible to Houston--and have the last leg be rail from Shreveport and Baton Rouge. A new bonanza for the Lone Star State. Just one more thing to worry about. More later.

MB, I wish you were running things.

For what it's worth, earlier plans for the Freedom Tower sought to introduce a decidedly green element (Freedom Tower Will Be Green Giant, Wired 9/15/04), most notably a wind farm at the top of the skyscraper that would allow the building to produce 20% of its own energy usage. I can't recall whether this thinking survived into current plans, but I think it did not.

But -- "Eco New Orleans"? You really like that better than "Green Orleans"?

Well, emptypockets, I thought about Green New Orleans, but then I changed my mind.

Very nice piece, MB.

One significant obstacle: trauma. I was among a number of people advocating thoughts very much like this in the aftermath of the Oakland Fire in 1991. An entire neighborhood wiped out, with significant infrastructural contributors to the disaster (narrow, winding streets with insufficient fire department presence chief among them), and we thought it worth considering to rationalize the street layout slightly where possible, widening by increments and encouraging the development of walkable, pocket commercial zones besides.

People wanted their old houses back, which is understandable, or they wanted the house they'd wished they had before the old one burned. Building the houses was portrayed as "closure," and now the neighborhood is significantly overbuilt and far less fire safe than before the Big Fire.

The tragedy wrought by Katrina provides a chance to do what Mayor Ray Nagin said George Bush told him after the head-bumping died down last week: New Orleans can be remade into “a shining example for the whole world.”

I think that Bush actually said this during his photo op in NO last Friday, the same one where he said that he had partied a little too hard in NO in years past. That may not be when he said it but I'm almost sure it was during a public photo op.

Of course, MB, that's a minor point to your post ... which is a great vision. Could it happen in the USA????

Dear Meteor Blades,

I'm writing from the office of Congressman Earl Blumenauer who read your piece on reconstruction of New Orleans and was hoping to get in touch with you. Unfortunately, it has been very difficult to track down any of your contact information. I was hoping you could e-mail or call me at this office so we can get connected so to speak.

Phone: 202-225-4811 (Ask for Michael)
E-Mail: [email protected]

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