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July 20, 2005


Scotty died. His ashes will be sent into space. God bless him.

Today was an interesting day as I enjoyed 15 minutes of front-page fame at DKos. I hope to follow in the tradition of certain others and inspire a chain of diaries about how I am vulgar, anti-Semitic, and/or generally hurting America.

Scotty died?

Oh damn, I didn't know. I missed that article.

I used to watch the original Star Trek religiously. Nothing compares, really.

Hey, woudja look at that message discipline coming out of HoHo? In ID: "We're gonna win in the west." In AZ: "We're gonna win in the west." In UT: We're gonna win in the west." In MT: "We're gonna win in the west."

Somebody either put him on laudanum or he's due for a big explosion shortly.

emptywheel - LOL. Sorry, can't help laughing at the "explosion" part.

You should see his e-mails. Lots of exclamation points. Almost every sentence ends with not one, but two or three.

I'm serious.

Steve, I missed your 15 minutes of fame, heh. I was painting.

I do not have an inner gay man or an inner Martha Stewart, and decided to paint not one, but three window frames dark red. It was so awful that we couldn't look out the windows at the view, or across the street at the 16th century buildings. It was like a crime scene.

So, instead of blogging or reading your famous comment, I was painting over the red. With boring white.

See, my life is fascinating. Not.

And a great comment it was/is, btw.

Actually, now that I think about it, Steve, is this what happened? Your very intelligent--but tough love--post got front-paged. And people slammed you for it because, well, we're democrats and we don't always like tough love. So when it happened you came over here because you knew we'd be able to relate??


I can take the heat. I warm up for it by urging restraint in the Hillary-bashing diaries. :)

I can take the heat. I warm up for it by urging restraint in the Hillary-bashing diaries. :)

I told the Hillary bashers to quit using Freeper talking points.

I know what you mean. Why do you suppose liberals are so hateful?

That was a great comment, Steve. Well-deserved 15 minutes of fame.

Restraint in Hillary diaries? Don't you know she had Vince Foster killed?

I figured that the fundies would be mostly docile about the Roberts nomination, but thought there might be at least a little token static from that quarter. But so far, no. Only this .

overlight uprootal westphalian simkin situation equisonance sheathery scaleproof
Cheney blasts Kerry as tax fan

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