I was looking at Yahoo's directory of political blogs, and I was surprised to see this:
- Nagourney, Adam - the private diary of journalist Adan Nagourney.
The private diary of New York Times political writer Adam Nagourney? (Or is it Adan? Yahoo can't seem to make up their mind...) I thought it was odd that Adam Nagourney would have a blog and that I hadn't heard of it, so I followed the hyperlink. Based on what I saw there, I'll be "Adam Nagourney" would also be surprised to learn he has a blog.
So what's "Adam Nagourney" been writing about on his blog? Well, apparently whatever Brooksy tells him to:
Brooksy gave me the green light to go after the Christians. Karl says Delay can’t keep it in his pants - apparently Delay is in some ethics situation or something (where have I been?
) and needed a cause - fast.
Anyhoo, Brooksy said that Karl said that I had a pass and I was like - I don’t have to go and he was like - no, I mean to say that the big guys are fighting, and I was like they’re fighting? and he was like just write it. WHATEVER! I can’t believe how fat Brooksy’s gotten. He and Friedman could be tag team sumos, of course then they’d have to travel to Japan and Friedman would be sending out his stupid travel log emails. I’m in Japan and a funny thing happened when I ordered my sushi, blah blah blah
I mean, what are they feeding them in the op-ed cafeteria that makes them so fat- Bill Safire’s guilt? Jesus- I’m on fire tonight! growwwl!
Then there are his musings on Guckertgate:
I Want to Be a White House Hooker
Now what alias should I use?? I’m thinking of possibly going with Alex Hagourney because Alex is SO much easier to say than Adam.
In studying GannonGuckert I found that the logical next step to breaking through White House security is to grab several male escort domains to promote my own hooker services. I am thinking something along the lines of More on that later…
The final step in the JeffJames GannonGuckert White House Hooker transformation process is to boost your journalistic credibility by having a degree in Physical Education from a state school in Pennsylvania. This will ensure I am in top shape for my “clients.”
Maybe if I can complete the above I too could receive unprecedented access to the Bush administration. I want to fill the void left by James D. Guckert and become the White House Hooker.
This stuff is mildly amusing, and I have no problem with somebody skewering Nagourney with some good parody. But I'm mostly amused at the incompetence of the person at Yahoo who somehow found this site but failed to catch on that it's satire.
Further proof that the Bush and Republican ascendancy has made it damn hard to succeed with satire.
You want satire? I'll give you satire.
Read this story about Bush getting a brand new saddle, then watch Will Ferrell skewer him for being afraid of horses (a ubiquitous rumor on the Internets).
Posted by: DemFromCT | May 22, 2005 at 19:50
I've heard that Ad Nags himself knows about this blog, and he is not a happy puppy.
Posted by: Crab Nebula | May 24, 2005 at 00:17