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May 31, 2005


One interesting thing to watch for should NY not meet the HAVA deadline is to see what would happen if there is a close election. Based on the recent Repub method of litigating any close lose--like Washington, Gore/Bush 2000, etc--I wouldn't be surprised to see the GOP sue over a loss based in part on the state's failure to meet the HAVA requirements.

You mean after some poor soul loses 76-17 to Spitzer?

Oh, I get it, you were talking about other races...

He suggested that instead of waiting, the commission should assure jurisdictions that equipment properly certified to existing standards can produce secure, accurate and reliable elections, thus meeting HAVA’s functional requirements.

Oh, you mean just like the ones that were used in Ohio?

Thanks for writing about HAVA. It seems that the requirement to have new machines is one of the few parts of the law that is expected to stay on schedule, as Ellen Theisen details here:

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