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May 10, 2005


this editorial from the Boston Globe says it well:

It is Bush, however, who cast aside the lessons of World War II when he first came to office, rejecting the close cooperation with allies that his father had practiced so deftly while presiding over the Cold War's bloodless denouement and the unification of Germany. It would be a good thing for the United States and its allies if Bush, listening to Putin say yesterday in Red Square that the victory of Nazism cannot be divided ''into ours and someone else's," absorbed the lesson his father's generation learned at great cost about the value of collective security, multilateral cooperation, and strong alliances.

Good point about treating Europe like blue states. But here's a question: other than Pope John Paul II's funeral, what's the last visit he made to Europe where he appeared before a crowd in a country with widespread opposition to the war in Iraq? The last visit I can remember was to Ireland about a year ago, but I can't think of anything since.

I guess we'll see what the reception is when he stops in the Netherlands. (I wonder if Page got a ticket to an event in The Netherlands; I'd love to hear her ask a question in Dutch.)

The Netherlands visit and public appearance is already over, and they kicked the press out as soon as the local teenagers started asking questions.

So I guess Page did get in, huh?

Oh, my comment shows what can happen when you spend most of your weekend cutting down trees and splitting firewood instead of reading the newspaper.

What happens? You get elected preznit?

round-up of European commentary by the WaPo is here.

The US still benefits from 'the enemy of my enemy (Russia) is my friend'.

Nice article out there...Keep it up,,,

..good site..!It would be a good thing for the United States and its allies if Bush, listening to Putin say yesterday in Red Square

Good site! I'll stay reading! Keep improving!

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