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April 27, 2005


To put your ideas to the real test we would need to train a cadre of inmate meteorologists, and then...

Well, I think most of the Weathermen are now out of prison...

I'd like to see Santorum in prison, but his buddy Tom is more likely to be doin' the perp walk.

Thanks for the post DHinMI. I need to check out Billmon more often.

As for the Weathermen, have you seen The Weather Underground? It's a great documentary. Mark Rudd (one of the Weathermen) teaches math at a community college here in Albuquerque. Interesting guy.

Interesting post.I see that most of the prisoners work in factory which produce home office furniture, clothing, beds and linens, electronics equipment and etc.Good strategy.

I think that it is very wise dicision to let prisoners work in factory which produce office furniture, home furniture and so on. I support it.

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I’d prefer reading in my native language, because my knowledge of your languange is no so well. But it was interesting!

I’d prefer reading in my native language, because my knowledge of your languange is no so well. But it was interesting!

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