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April 18, 2005


You want to get people excited about personal accounts? Tell them about the 1960 Supreme Court case, Flemming v. Nestor....

Good thinking, Ed--'cause nothing excites the American people like obscure 45-year-old court cases.

Thanks, DemFromCT--the stink of desperation is all over these guys.

Um, Mr. Cato Institute? How does it help to tell people about a 45 year old court decision at the same time you're villifying the federal judiciary?

I'm not even sure if that contradicts or supports the Bush/DeLay/Frist attack on the judiciary.

Doesn't that court case also essentially say that there is no guarantee that congress has to let you have the money in your personal/private account??


what i don't get: why people don't like the idea to pay for one another, as if they were member of a bigger community. In the end, it is the concept of nation that is at stake, isn't it?

braq--that's the OLD ownership society...you know, the one Strom Thurmond liked and Trent Lott wishes we could get back.

OK. Let's take that "hugely underexploited benefit of personal accounts" and make it this year's ONLY reform of Social Security. Add a cash-equivalent option to Social Security. That would tally up to the amount a contributor paid into the system (plus some amount of interest). The heirs of anyone who died before consuming the cash-equivalent amount of her or his Social Security contributions would be able to collect this amount over a period of, say, ten years.

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