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March 01, 2005


how do member-to-member contributions work? are there campaign contribution limits as there would be for an ordinary citizen donating to a campaign?

i'm sure it's common practice, but a little strange that a donation one makes to, say, Ted Kennedy would end up in the coffers of, say, Ben Nelson. (sorry for using senators, my unprompted recall of reps' names is still weak.)

My guess is this is another nudge in the process of shaking off bad campaign managers and their polling/media entourages on the local level. Throwing money at bad performances goes both ways.

Member-to-Member (they love to Capitalize things in the Capitol) contributions work like any other contribution, subject to the same restrictions. Members with PACs can give up to the $5K limit.

It is common practice, and money does often change hands. Money from Member PACs is the stuff with which races for leadership races are made. Give out enough money to enough Members, and they owe you when a new rung on the ladder opens up.

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